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Here comes the drama. Enjoy!!

Nate's POV

After Lily called me to see if I knew where Serena was I did some searching and found that no one, not even Gossip Girl has seen here since before Summer. She's gone missing before but someone was able to keep on tab on her and now it seems like she's completely gone off the radar. Blair and Chuck meet me at Lily's so we can find a clue to where she may be. Everyone's worried sick I even swallow my pride and leave a message for Ella. We haven't spoken since she decided she wanted to end things between us. I've been a total wreck without her. The only way I've stayed sane is by putting all my time into work and not picking up a newspaper or magazine that may have her face plastered all over it. It's hard to avoid an ex for is so well known in the world. It makes me miss her more. I know she is doing great things because The Spectator has published her being one of the youngest billionaires in the world who balances two successful careers. I'm happy for everything she's doing I just wish she was doing it with me. I know she needs time for herself before she can think about coming back to me and I just have to wait for her like I did before. She is worth waiting an eternity for. This time I won't be neglectful or take her for granted. I will make sure this next time around that she knows how much she means to me every second of every day.

"Hey, guy's thanks for coming over." I greet Blair and Chuck as they make it into Serena's room of boxes.

"Let's get this over with. I have pressing matters I need to attend to." Chuck starts looking through some boxes. I know things between him and his sister are less than ideal. He says she reaches out to him every once and a while to see how he's doing, but they still have this tension between him. I know he hates the fact that got to be partners with Bart, but I also know he's proud of everything's she's accomplished. He just hasn't said it to her yet.

"This is all clothes and toiletries. We're never gonna discover Serena's secrets in her loofah." Blair is getting frustrated. I know helping to find Serena is hard for her.

"She never kept a day planner, maybe an address book that might have some names in it?" I throw out some suggestions to how we may find her.

"Serena's whole life is on her cell phone, and it seems to be the only thing she has with her."

"Still nothing from Gossip Girl?" Chuck asks and we all shake our heads.

"I checked. Her last post on Serena was in the Spring. The day we fought and she moved out."

"Well, yeah just because she hasn't written about Serena doesn't mean she doesn't know anything about her."

"You do have a personal correspondence with our prison pen pal."

"Yeah, when I heard from Lily it was the first thing I tried. Gossip Girl didn't give me anything." Blair whipped her head around so fast I had to take a step back.

"You have to convince her. Haven't you ever seen a Hitchcock movie or watched Dateline? There's only so many ways this goes. Kidnap/ransom, torture/murder or brainwash/cult."

"Okay, Blair we get it." Chuck tries to calm her down but that just upsets her even more.

"No, you don't. We both know that Serena is quite capable of hurting herself. But this time I'm afraid I hurt her too. And with Ella out of the country working her ass off I have no one else to confine to about this. Has she gotten back to either of you? I tried calling and ultimately had to leave a voicemail and a string of texts. But nothing."

"Yeah, Ella hasn't answered either. I think she has one of her last fashion shows for the summer today, but I'm not sure." I try dialing her number again but I get nothing but her voicemail. I look up to see Chuck comforting Blair. "There is one last thing I can try."

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