New Years Second Chances

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I want to thank you all for supporting me through this whole journey.  This will give you more insight what happened to Ella when she lost her baby.

Blair's POV

When I came to I was surrounded by medical staff checking my vitals and asking me if I remembered anything. The next thing I knew they were uttering the thing I feared most.

"I'm sorry, Blair, but you lost the baby." I broke down in tears not being able to hold it in any longer. I felt Serena reach for my had. She was the first person I saw when I woke up. "Where's Chuck?" She looks to the doctor before answering me.

"B, he lost a lot of blood and he never woke up, so it's not looking good." I look to Serena trying to wipe away my tears.

"What about everyone else? Where is everyone?"

"Your mom, dad, Cyrus, and Roman are on the first flight from Paris. And everyone else is getting some air and checking on Chuck. Nate is um..."

"What did something happen to Nate too?" What more could possibly go wrong?

"No, not him, but Ella."

"Ella." I look around and yearn to see my best friend walk in and brighten my day with her infectious smile.

"B, when we found out Chuck's state Ella had a panic attack and unbeknownst to her she was six weeks pregnant."

"What? Where is she now?"

"All of the stress of the accident and other possible factors caused Ella to miscarriage. She is hooked up to an IV waiting for a blood transfusion."

"Blood transfusion, how bad was it?"

"She lost a lot of blood when she lost the baby." I rested my head back against the pillow. How could this happen to us? Why did God let us suffer like this? What does he want from us that we can't have a happy ending? "Can I at least see her?" I ask and Serena helps me out of the bed and we take the long walk towards Ella's room. We weren't alone because Nate was asleep clutching her hand. My hand immediately went to my mouth to suppress the sobs as I can't stand seeing my best friend in this state. Ella out of all of us doesn't deserve this kind of fate. For me to know I was pregnant and looking forward to it is one thing, but to lose your baby in such a horrific way and not even know you were expecting I can't imagine what pain Ella will face when she wakes.

I did the only thing I could think of in this moment and went to church to pray for a miracle to happen. I can't lose either of them this way and if I have an ounce of power left I want to use it to ask for forgiveness and a chance for them to both live.

"Please, God. You have not only my baby but my best friends baby. You can't take Chuck and too. Let him live. Ella needs her brother. I'll do anything. I promise I'll keep my vow to marry Louis and never be with him again." After I uttered that promise the doors opened and bright light envelopes the room.

"Blair Waldorf? Chuck Bass is asking for you." I walk hesitantly into his room not believing my prayer came true. Seeing hurt just as much as seeing Ella in her hospital bed. It broke my heart seeing him so fragile.

"Just because we can't be together doesn't mean I won't love you." I leave his room not wanting to be there to face him when he wakes. It took all the courage I could muster to say those words to him let alone face him.

Nate's POV

Ella finally got her blood transfusion and everyone was reassured that she should be lucid at any moment. I haven't left her side since she collapsed to the floor in agonizing pain. I never wanted to hear her cry out in pain like she did when she lost the baby. Lily tried to get me to change clothes or eat something but I haven't in the thirty-six hours she's been hooked up to an IV drip. I wanted to be here for her when she woke and the last thing I wanted is for her to wake up alone. I've been holding onto her hand the whole time hopping for her to wake soon. Seeing her in this state is excruciating for me to whiteness. I feel a twitch and I jump out of my seat as Ella's heart monitor quickens and her eyes flutter open. She looks confused and I can see how much pain she is in.

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