It's Just The Beginning

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I'm going to be honest I was surprised about who Gossip Girl was but after rewatching the show it all makes sense.

After Chuck and Blair were brought to the station all of our phones blew up with a notification from the Spectator. What we read was not what we expected. In Nate's newest expose he describes how all this time Dan was behind the biggest scandal of them all. He was the brain and voice behind Gossip Girl. He described it as him writing himself into our Upper East Side lives that he could never gain access to unless he was born into our world. Dan wanted to be part of our world so much that he was willing to do anything and everything to gain access to it and that worried me on what line he won't cross. It wasn't until I read that he shut down the website after Chuck and Blair's accident.

Carter hasn't let go of my hand since we've made it up to Eleanor's house waiting for Chuck and Blair. Dan and Serena wanted to give us all time to read the article before we asked questions. I can feel the tension in the room change with each paragraph we read. Every reason Dan gave for why he did what he did was horrible but the underline message was he played on our own need to lie, steal and gossip towards those we love and hate. He wouldn't have had such a hit site if it wasn't for our need to one-up each other or reveal another's deepest secret. We fueled his fire while he just gave it direction. No one is innocent in this because the stories he shared weren't false. The secrets he spread harmed us but they also gave us an understanding that our world is not as black and white as we once thought. Those we love most can easily betray us and those we least suspect will surprise us.

"This is a hell of a thing you pulled off, kid. I'm in awe." Jack compliments Dan.

"I hacked it and stole it from him. That makes me way more awesome."

"Someone who is awesome doesn't have to tell people." I state which causes Georgina to roll her eyes at me.

"No, you stole it after I shut it down. And when you started it back up, I just stole it again." Dan points out.

"I should've known it was you on the surveillance tape Diana sent me. You were the only one who wasn't there with us that night." Nate adds.

"And you're the only one who owns a hoodie."

"You're the only one who would make a guy believe he was the father of your baby just to escape the Russian mob."

"Okay, Dan understand why I did that so why can..."

"Again, Georgina why are you even here?" I ask turning to look at her.

"I ask myself that every day."

"The one I feel stupid about was graduation when I asked Gossip Girl to meet me, and then Dan showed up." Serena shares and we all nod in agreement that is one of the dumbest moments. The elevator opens and walks out Rufus who has an upset look on his face as he searches for Dan.



"I figured you'd be here waiting for Chuck and Blair. We need to talk." Dan gets up to follow his dad.

"I need a drink. What do you say, Ella, are you up to join me?" I give Jack a what the hell look as well as Carter.

"I'm pregnant you ass."

"Oh, when did this happen? Who's the father?"

"I am." Carter says.

"Really? What happened to that Russian dancer with the rock-hard abs?"

"Jack that was two years ago and he was Ukrainian."

"Either way I'll drink for the both of us." Jack leaves to prepare himself and Dorota a drink leaving us still waiting for the arrival of Blair and Chuck.

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