The Dark Truth

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Thank you, all for your reviews. I'm so happy you all enjoy reading about Ella. Here's another chapter, enjoy.

I was sickened knowing that Tripp had played the major role in Chuck and Blair's crash. I had to even call my grandfather to confirm the striking information. I needed to get the full confession from him in order to hold him accountable. I was filled with rage thinking that it could have been Ella and me in that crash. I could have lost Ella just when I finally had her as mine. I needed to tell her what I found out. I've been dying inside keeping this secret from her for a few weeks. I know she knows something is wrong but I needed to know all of the information before I brought her back down this horrible road. I was able to catch her for lunch and finally tell her what's been eating me alive.

She walked in looking beautiful as ever. "Hey." She kisses me briefly before I help her into her seat.

"How was your day?"

"Good, Gina has me possibly getting the cover of American Vogue."

"That's amazing. You've worked so hard for this." I kiss her hand as we order.

"How was your day?" She asks as she digs into her food.

"Um, that's why I wanted to meet you for lunch."

"Is something wrong with the Spectator?"

"Um, no but there is something I found out that will bring back some bad memories."

"Nate, just tell me what's bothering you!"

"I was informed by Gossip Girl herself that she did not cause Chuck and Blair's crash. When I started digging I found out she was telling the truth and the further I dug the more I found."

"What did you find out?"

"The night of the accident Blair and Chuck got into the wrong car. The car that was ordered for me was the one they got into and it was the one that crashed."

"I don't understand..." I hold her hand knowing what I say next might be hard.

"Ella, someone deliberately cut the brake fluid in my car and that's what caused Blair and Chuck to crash." She immediately covers her mouth to keep herself from yelling.

"Who would want to do such a thing to you? Is it because of your work with the Spectator?" Ella's face is full of worry thinking about me and my well-being.

"Not the Spectator, but me in general. I found out that Charlie's ex Max was the one who cut the break line but only after Tripp paid him to."

"I thought you were on good terms with your cousin. Why would he want to hurt you like that?"

"That night when I asked you to come with me to Vermont for my grandfather's retreat. Tripp was passed up for the offer and grandfather chose to take me instead and that pissed him off."

"He had someone cut the brake fluid in a car because of a dumb reatreat1' Ella is getting upset. She stands up and I follow her outside. "I can't believe he would... you know actually, I can. He has always been fearful that you would surpass him because at the end of the day Nate you are more of a man than he'll ever be. He has to... how do go about pressing charges?" I calm her down.

"I've talked to my grandfather and he's flying in so we can ambush Tripp as he tells Serena a lie."

"Why would we need to catch him telling a lie?"

"Because it's the last chance my grandfather is giving him before he destroys him and takes him to jail. If he can't admit to this he deserves anything he gets after the fact."

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