A Party or a Wake?

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I have found it hard to work around Lola's character since in the show she's supposed to be in a relationship with Nate. No worries though all is good. I've loved writing these next chapters and I can't wait for you all to read what I have planned for the end of theses books.

Our world keeps turning upside down now with the death of CeCe. Serena was devastated when she called to tell me her grandmother has been battling cancer before she passed. Everything that has been happening in our lives makes me wonder if we deserve happiness and if it will ever come. As for Nate and I, things were fine until Lola called him to meet her at the hospital. She wanted to confront Charlie whose real name is Ivy and why she was using her name and a bunch of family drama that makes being a Bass seem normal.

We waited for her outside the hospital and Nate offered for her to stay at his place since she didn't want to be alone. In that moment, I didn't trust him and that's why I'm now currently camped out in his room. I should be secure in my relationship enough to trust him not to cheat on me, but his relationship with Lola has me questioning him more and more. I'm sorry I'm not going to be Serena and let a Jenny situation happen where we're fighting over Nate. Sorry, I love him but if he's making another girl think she has a chance with him then she can have him. I'm no one's second choice and if Nate can't see that I need to end it.

"So, what's it like traveling the world and walking in some of the most exquisite clothes?" Lola as me as we sip on some tea while waiting for Nate to come back with our Cappuccino.

"I'm not going to lie and say it's alright. Because truthfully it's the best thing ever." I want to hate Lola for how much Nate is drawn to her, but she is an amazing person. I can see why he likes hanging out with her she makes you feel so at peace. Like you've known each other your whole lives. "I've wanted to be a model ever since one of the dad's flings gave us front row tickets to one of her shows. She even allowed me to come backstage with her and that's when I fell in love with modeling. Everyone thinks we're perfect as we're strutting down these magnificent runways, but only a small percentage know the magic that goes on behind the scenes."

"That sounds amazing. How old were you?"

"I was eight. Chuck was getting into trouble like he always does and I couldn't take my eyes off the confidence that radiates from a model right before and after she comes off the runway. It's something I would dream about for nine years."

"Honestly, my friends back home and in school would not believe me if I told them I was sitting here and talking with you."

"Trust me I can't believe the things I've accomplished in such a short life. But I feel I have so much more to do before it hits me. I'm living my dream and I love it."

"Was your dad supportive of your modeling dreams?" Lola and I are now resting back on her bed in the guest room.

"Bart was a cold man whose focus was his business. He saw Chuck and me as extensions of his business and if we didn't reflect well on it he would make sure we knew his disappointment."

"He sounds intense."

"He wasn't always. I remember when I won my first short story contest and he was there waiting from in the crowd. He even took me to my favorite restaurant afterwards. I wish more than anything that I got to spend more time with that man and not the one everyone knew him to be."

"That must have been hard for you and Chuck. Thank you again for being so cool with Nate and my friendship."

"It was never you that was my issue. Nate has a history of cheating on his girlfriend with a pretty blond. Enough about me, what about you? Has anyone caught your eye?"

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