Georgina Scheming Again

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Sorry, for the long waits in between chapters. Enjoy this new chapter and get ready for stuff to go down.

We race up to Chuck and Nate's and kind of my penthouse. We call out Blair's name but no answer.

"Hey, guys. Beautiful wedding, huh?" Georgina comes out from behind the corner smiling at us.

"What have you done with Blair?" Chuck demands.

"Nothing, except tell the dumbest member of your security team that I was her. Sorry, I had to get your attention somehow."

"Why would we want your attention? You have been nothing but an annoyance this whole day." I state to Georgina.

"This is Georgina Sparks. She's pretty much the worst person you'll ever meet."

"She's like Medusa if you don't look into her eyes you can avoid being turned to stone through the lies she tells." I add.

"Georgina, what are you up to?" Serena asks.

"Why do you always assume my motives are nefarious?"

"Because you're a lying manipulative bitch." I say the thing everyone's thinking.

"Well, look I felt bad for filming the video, and I'm trying to make it right. So, when I saw Blair hightail it out of the reception without her frog prince, I knew I had to help. Cross my heart and hope to die."

"Let me help you with that." I state with a smile.

"You saw Blair leave? Where was she going?"

"I don't know. But if you want to find her, I was the last person to lay eyes on her, so you're going to need my help."

"Over my dead body! The only person who needs help is you to think we ever would be aligned with you."

"Either way Ella. We used to be friends let me help you."

"Again, I don't like you and we were never friends." I separate myself from being so close to Georgina. She annoys me to no end and right now toying with the location of Blair is not helping. Serena makes a call to Dan to see if he knows anything. I hoped that he does. More than anything Blair would have talked to us about what's going on.

"Dan said he saw her leave with Louis. Maybe we're overreacting." Serena announces.

"You're not. Dan's lying. He's gotten pretty good at it, too."

"Probably from spending time with you when you made him believe your son Milo was his!"

"So, much anger towards me E. I really just want to help Blair is that so hard to believe."

"Yes!" We all say.

"There's no way I'm believing Georgina over Dan. And Dan said that Blair left with Louis." Serena rants to Chuck and me. I notice Nate hasn't shared an interest in finding Blair. He's more interested in talking with Lola.

"Why do you automatically assume that I'm the one lying? If your opinion actually mattered to me, I'd be insulted."

"Why are you still here?" Chuck and I say in unison.

"Don't you have a son and boring husband to get back to?" I add which I was received with Georgina rolling her eyes at me.

"Despite what you might think. I want to help. Let's think of the possibilities. Ideas Anyone?" Chuck pulls out his phone and begins to dial. "Who are you calling?" Georgina asks.

"Security. You overstayed your welcome when you showed up" Chuck instructs his security to come to the penthouse.

"No, need for security. The jig is up. Ah, you caught me I have been lying. Um, I don't know what to say. I'm bored and my DVR is empty. Listen, I can normally keep this up for hours, but I have a kid now, and his mommy and me group is way more fun to mess with than you guys. Bye." Georgina skips out of Chuck's place with a smile on her face and that worried me. She is so happy for not getting what she wanted.

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