A lesson 📚

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Why do the boys seem to like the broken girls? Is it because they think they can fix them? They think of it like a homework? The truth is, they can't. Sorry. To all you that needs a lesson, listen up! One : Just because a man came in her life, don't think that person is healed. Like all there problems disappeared. It didn't. Two: Just considering, you see a broken girl, don't think you have a solution, you don't. You don't know there problems, or what they been through, so you don't have a solution. Three: Sometimes she just needs a friend, someone to make her laugh, someone who cares, someone who will listen as she bleeds her heart out and be persevering when she doesn't. Four: Don't think you know what you signed up for, you don't. You'll just try to leave when she needs you most. You all act like a coward. Cowards afraid to face the demons while some battle on. Some have battle wounds, and some don't make it. They fight daily in their own battle, losing their own blood, drowning in a sea that's toilsome to emanate from. Cause those cloaked figures don't give up, they don't leave and your stuck battling until your demons conquer you. You, none of you, know what it is like trying to stand up when you've been beaten down by yourself. So many lost soldiers just trying to get through the day and the ones that don't make it are not privileged for their strength. They were bullied, and broken and hurt, even after death no one gets it. They must've been right, the world didn't care about them. All I hear is people telling them they should kill themselves. The strength they had cut off when depression took it's lovely weapon and sliced them open. We are estranged but not in companionless. And number five. Boys aren't fixed because a lady came in their life. Things like this can't be fixed that easily.

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