im sorry 🙍

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I just had that smile
the one that rots
I had that laughed
I fooled a lot
I said hi every morning.
Even though I meant
I never told you what will
happen to me.
You cried and everyone
thought I had hurt you
But instead, you cried
Because you couldn't
Understand me
I gave you a book
On all about me
You looked at it confused
Because to you, it was
Written in a secret language
I have nobody I am close to
and I'm sorry to say
No one ever was with me
in the darkest days.
I'm sorry that in the
daughter you never wanted
You might have wanted it better
but you never got it.
I'm sorry I'm a terrible sister
I'm crying cause I know
I hurt more than you hurt me
and I'm sorry
I'm sorry I'm a ****ty friend
Or just the girl next door
Who snapped you an attitude
Anytime you came.
I'm sorry my grades ain't well
Or that I have this ugly
I sing and cry myself to
sleep every night.
God, I wish you knew
that I'm hurting too.

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