dream the dream 🌒

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  Let's walk through dream my tormentor said. Let's sing to the dark lonely night. Oh the dreams I dreamed that dreamless night. Only dark consumed me to the bone. Sleep is not a sleep but an escape. I'm drowning and your breathing. Tell me to snap out of it would be like telling the deaf to listen. My  body fights to survive while my body wants to die. Command me, I'll never listen. Pain is temporary, it may last a minute, a hour, a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else would take it's place. If I quit however, it may last forever. Same question repeating over and over, same answer never changing. Shut the door, keep them out. I'm done living and pretend. Behind my smile is a hurting heart, behind my laugh I'm falling apart. Look closely at me and you will see, the girl I am, isn't me. Mouth full of lies. I'm doing the best I can.

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