natures my life 🌲

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Stars above me speak to all.
The moon has a spot.
The animals have all to play.
The wolves began howling
The Cheetahs stalk there pray
and the birds fly away.
The wind picks up and snow falls down
It looks magical this time at night.
The mountains look to touch the clouds.
The trees became bare.
The flowers rise up
The grass is greener than I ever have seen
The comets seem to speak to me.
All the bees are whispering.
All the seasons come to place.
As in one night, it is cold, hot, windy, and cloudy.
In one night the sky is red, blue, purple and black.
All in one patch is a dog cat and rabbit.
All the animals coming out.
Nature unfolding before me.
Beauty takes up the world.
I like this peace I hope it stays.
Why do they hunt you down animals?
Why are humans all careless?
We should stop it.
See nature don't destroy.

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