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   Destroyed. Black, black, black, and white. Everything destroyed. Trees gone birds dead, is this the world I live in? No I need to leave. I need to get out, I'm certain this is only a decoy. This must be a test. Maybe a sick prank someone pulled. Nope, can't live like this. I'm coming out of breath. Don't let me drown! Is that a hand? Is it reaching out? I don't want to drown in this water full of acid, but I can't take your hand.  At this point I don't believe anyone. You are like them going to let go, and let my bones shatter against the stone. Destroyed. Everywhere I look around. Oh sun, I miss your face. Oh goddess moon, where are you? Where is the tides? Where is the sand? Is this how it's going to end? I must be strong, but I'm breaking. Not everything is gone though. There is more lost souls, I can't help them. I'm not going to tell them it will be alright. How can I? How can I look in there eyes and tell them something we all know is a lie? Speak only truth, never lies. In this world we are harsh. Do you want to live with us? Destroyed, that's what we are.

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