it's ok 😖

20 4 2

it's ok
it's my fault.
all of it.
like always.
I'm sorry i tried.
I'm sorry I cared.
I'm sorry I helped.
I'm sorry I let you down.
it was wrong.
everything is wrong.
but in the end I just
need to let go.
I'm sorry I tried to
fix it.
I'm sorry I but in.
I'm sorry I messed
it up.
I'm sorry I tried to
be a good friend.
I'm sorry I told lies
and I'm sorry I told
I'm sorry I remember.
I'm sorry I forgot.
I'm sorry tried
I'm sorry I did not.
I'm sorry I talk to much
I'm sorry I talk to little
I'm sorry I'm smart
I'm sorry I'm dumb.
I'm sorry for alot of things
that doesn't make sense.

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