not worth it

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I'm not worth all this love I'm not worth all this hate.
I'm not worth you thinking about every or any day.
I'm not worth to be fought over I'm not worth the tears.
I'm not worth all the words that I hear.
I'm not worth anything you believe for I'm just me.
I'm not worth all the lies you say to protect me.
I'm not worth all of these good praises.
I'm not worth all of these friends.
I'm not worth anybody to talk to.
I'm just the girl who is not worth you,\.
I'm not worth all your pain and suffering.
If I leave I want you to forget me.
If I fly away I want you to not scream.
I want you to lose any memories of me.
I want you to believe I never came
I'm just a dream never going away
one who will haunt you
till all you have is a hole.
I'm bad my heart says so.
I'm not worth anything on this earth.

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