It is my fault

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you think it was your fault
but it never was
i was the one that threw you under the bus
you ruined me and its not your fault
i forgiven you
but there was nothing to forgive
i promised you everything
and i told the truth
you promised me the world
everything was perfect
i sworn by my heart you were the one
but my chances only consisted of you
i spoke the truth when i said the words
that brought me to my knees
i never thought i coudl say them
you were the one that brought me alive after i died
i let you slip
i left you
you still mean alot to me
and i wont forget you
i hope you forgive me
cause in truth it was my fault
if only i wasnt so stupid
or gave you false hope
if only i can see you
if only i could tell you
your the one
nd i hope to see
and it breaks my heart
blaming yourself instead blaming me
i want to tell you
the truth
if only i speak to you
you were the only one i trust
and my trust only goes so far
and i wish i could make it
back and have you again
but its my fault tht i let you slip
out my grasp, i had you
and it as only a matter of time
we were cursed in the beguinning
never to be together
but i thought i was dreaming

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