my wolf🐺

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There is something about the way he looked at me. It felt complete. I couldn't breathe. I stopped, I stared. He stopped, he stared. Then we kissed like we were meant to do that. Like if we didn't just met. Did I say it was going to fast? No. We just stayed in the moonlight, not noticing we had werewolf company. I didn't care that he just captured me, stoled me from grounds that wasn't his. I didn't care that werewolves were vampires only enemy. Something felt right. And of course the timing was right. He had to lean just a little down to reach my lips, and I had to stand on my tiptoes. Our kiss last forever. With the moon behind us, and the wind playing games with my hair, we still didn't care. Nothing was off, nothing told me no, my vampire friends weren't here to say no, so who cared? I wasn't breaking a law. And I enjoyed myself. We split apart and the wolves howled to show thier delight. Then we walked to a cottage for the end of the night. Goodnight we said to the moon. He is who I'm still looking for, he who I dream of every night. It feels right, does he dream of me to? I can't wait to see him in real life.

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