She, oh, so pretty

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she floats back and forth
back and forth
and I just stare
stare at her in wonder
her beautiful silky black hair
reflecting the moon and stars
I can stare for ages and never get tired
the way she captivates everyone
she seems to catch their attention
she just floats
back and forth
back and forth
she steps forward.
a frown on her beautiful face
we all want to help her
we ask what is wrong
but she can't hear us
she just floats
back and forth
back and forth
She noticed us, I heard
they normally don't like people staring
but she let us, she smiled at us
and we sighed in relief
she told us to open our eyes
and we did
we saw wonders, things others don't see
we saw others, people like you and me
but they were dead, yet so pretty
she was the most gorgeous of all
and she continued to float\
back and forth
back and forth

Poetry By MeWhere stories live. Discover now