young boy 💓

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I saw your smile it made my heart brake
I saw your happiness.
How can you be happy when
people make fun of you?
You say that you don't let anybody keep
you down
You are alive and well
You have the family who cares
The friends who will stay there.
Those bullies mean nothing to you.
Your just the happy boy i
hoped you'll be.
Brother, I took you under my wing.
To show you the world underneath.
How everything can have happiness.
Sadness lurks beneath.
We will soar across the world.
Show the light to everyone else.
You are a happy boy.
And I am just different.
Your lessons went just behind,
But don't cry you will get it right.
You are the smartest boy I see.
If anyone puts you down tell me.
You don't deserve the pain the make.
But you say you're not in pain
you'r a happy happy boy.
Yes, your different but Different
is good and you have people who love you.

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