you are

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You are beautiful. you are awesome. you are perfect. you are unique. everything about you suprises me. you are brave. you are strong. you can hold the world up. you are my best friend, you are my daughter, my niece, my other half. every time I see you I light up. you might not know your loved, but even death can't hide the fact I love you. it might have taken death for someone to notice you, but I be sad if I didn't have you. you are gorgeous. you are talented. you are my world. if I never met you I don't know what I do. never say goodbye. stay with me, hold me tight. you are worth it. you are perfect. and there is no better person I rather be with than you. I'm sad life had to end for you so soon, but at least now I have you. at least now you have a friend who cares. I'm sorry they did that, but I must say, I care for you. you are irreplaceable and different. you are you. and you are mine.  remember the only reason why I smile is for you. Don't cry. your tears show that you are strong but they weaken me. The only reason why I laugh, is so I can hear your beautiful pearl laugh. your golden. your my star. I love you.

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