five w's and an h

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When will I see the sun when it's hidden beneath the clouds?
When will I see the water when it's in the middle of a storm?
When will I see the light when the door is closed and there is no bulb?
When will I see the grass when all their is, is the mud beneath my feet?
When will I see your smile when your sadness murk's into me?
who sees the inside of me and hopes for the best?
Who sees my black heart and hopes to turn it gold?
Who sees my amount of friends and wish I be yours?
who sees my sadness and hopes I make a smile?
Who sees my regret of the past and wish it to leave?
What am I without the pain I've been through?
What am I without the wisdom you poured into me?
What am I without the visions I have of the future?
What am I without my words or feelings?
What am I without my family and no friends?
How will I survive when nothing good comes?
How will people be my friends with the way I am?
How will I learn without all of the people who helped?
How will I forgive myself?
How will I forget all the bad and turn it to good?
Why can't I forget and forgive?
Why do I live this pain when there is so much to be happy about?
Why do I push her away when she could help?
Why do I like silence and noise at the same time?
Why do I help people when I can't help myself?
Where does all this strength come from?
Where are the people who help me?
Where is my confidence?
Where will I start to feel like I belong?
Where will I learn to live instead of dying?

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