Suckiest time of the year 🎄

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I feel like i'm dying

I am barely breathing

why do i live lies?

they say its the best time

when actually it is the worst

but everyone is to blind

to see that today and yesterday

and every other day inbetween

Don't mean anything

we are all happy to receive 

but are we happy within?

do we care if our family are there?

or if the tree is lite?

do we care if we give?

i mean, not really.

we all care to recieve

they want, and want, and want

all this pain

all this sadness

all these tears

complaints about

what is not fair

all this mess!

and then its the beginning of 

the year

all the toys are put away

all the kids are back to 

being naughty

nobody really cares

its the most suckiest time of the year

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