too young 🐣

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oh am i too young?
sorry that you don't understand.
but i guess your right.
I am too young.
im too young to experience the pain.
Im too young to cry in bed about the world.
Im too young to be bend over with pain.
Im too young to understand adulthood.
Sure im too young.
Never had pain right?
This has all been a lie?
I am looking for attention right?
Am i making this up?
Not my fault you don't believe.
Not my fault you don't want to help me.
I just can't believe nobody cares.
Well that's fine.
Im stronger than ever.
And ill make sure that ill keep it a secret.
You said you want to hear what's wrong with me
and yet you don't believe.
Did you ever wonder what kills a person?
More than you noticed.
The sadness, the pain, and everything ugly.
If you can't help than that's fine.
I don't need any of you.
So do me a favor, if you want to help,
than help. If you don't than leave.
Im tired of these games.
I don't want to be lonely.
Yes im too young to be thinking about this

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