your kiss 😘

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Your kiss was magical.
The door opened behind me.
We stood there staring with love in
Our eyes.
You stood there inches taller than me.
I was short of course but I loved you dearly.
The leaves flew from the ground and
circled our souls.
The unicorns came out to play.
All creatures we never have seen were there.
The sight was beautiful like I never seen.
The sun was setting yet we stood there.
My cheeks blushed.
Your eyes calm.
I wanted to never end the kiss we had.
Never finish the magic that happened that night.
The castle we stayed in had the golden doors
and the food was spectacular just as you said.
Of course, I never that you would lie.
But I don't even know one who tells the truth.
You're the one for me.
The one I waited for so long.
I always waited for the prince to meet me.
Now we were together and everything was good

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