Chapter Three

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Olivia POV

Two weeks later..

I haven't talked to Minsik at all. I miss him so much. I've been feeling really sick lately. I missed my period for this month. I'm scared that I might be pregnant but, I doubt it because Minsik and I used protection.

I decided to go talk to his mom about it because I can't talk to my own.

"I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Can you please take me?" I asked her.

"Sure honey but, may I ask why you won't ask your parents?"

I had to lie. I couldn't tell her I'm having a pregnancy scare and I can't face my parents right now.

"They're going to be at work" I could tell she had more questions but, she decided to let it go.

"Ok I'll take you" she smiled.


"The doctor will see you now" I felt my nerves getting really bad.

"Let's go honey" Minsik's mom said getting up.

We went into the doctor's room.

"Hello I'm Dr.Thompson you must be Olivia right?" She spoke to me. "And you are her-"

"Mother in law" his mom finished the sentence for her. That made me feel more secure. I might not have my parents support but at least I have hers.

I described my symptoms to the doctor as she typed them on her computer.

"Olivia, have you been sexually active these past few weeks" she asked. I was scared to answer because his mom was here. But, I'm not going to get the answers I need without answering the questions I receive.

"Y-yes" I stuttered.

"The test came back and you're 4 weeks pregnant...congratulations" she smiled.

"It has to be a mistake" I panicked. Sik-k and I aren't even on good terms right now. This could not have came at the worst time.

My parents will kill me. What do I do.

"There's always another option like abortion. You can contact the clinic to book a day" the doctor said.

Minsik's mom was still shocked that I was pregnant. I really hope she doesn't hate me after this.

We got in the car. I was crying my eyes out. I felt like I made a huge mistake. Condom or not, I shouldn't of had sex.

"You and Minsik were sexually active" she asked with tears trickling down her cheeks. I nodded my head yes.

"Why weren't you guys safe"

"We used protection. I don't know what happened. I don't want a baby. I want an abortion"

"No before you make any decisions on your own you have to tell him"

I'm scared to even face him with this problem. What if he yells at me. I know he's still mad at me.


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