Chapter 22

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Olivia POV

Once we kissed, I felt the same butterflies I had on our first date...but I couldn't help but to think about Dabin.

"What's wrong?" He asked once I broke the kiss.

"I still love Dabin. All I keep thinking about is what if he comes back" I cried. Dabin has been there for me through thick and thin. He's helped me raise Bella and has been an amazing boyfriend to me.

"Oh..." he sighed. The rest of the ride was quiet. We reunited with Bella and Milla. They were extremely happy.

During the ride home, we didn't talk to one another. Only Bella and Milla's voices could be heard in the car.

Bella and Milla ran into the house since I approved that Milla could stay over tonight.

"Wait up, Olivia" Sik-k called out making me stop in front of the door step.

"I want to apologize for kissing you I should of known you were still in love with him. I hope this doesn't make anything awkward between us" he says.

"It's ok" I flashed a smile.

"Well bye see you tomorrow" he said walking back to his car. I was hoping he would turn around and at least try to win me over like he used to but he didn't look back.

Next day...

Sik-k POV

Every time I think of what happened last night I get pissed off all over again. I should've at least convinced her that I'm the one for her but, my track record doesn't prove that at all. I cheated and abandoned her and left her with my child just so I could live my life.

The only thing I could do is try to be the best father that I could be to Isabella. If Olivia wants to truly be with Dabin I should let that happen.

"Daddy can you come pick me up?" Isabella asked over the phone.

"I can't right now honey I'll be there in an hour"

"Why? Are you trying to leave me again?" She said with a sorrowful voice. Every time I don't come see her or come get her she says that.

"No I'm looking for a new house so we could live together"

"Can mommy come live with us?" She replied which had me speechless. Even if I wanted that I doubt that Olivia would want that.

"No I got a better idea. How about you come live with me and mommy instead."

"I don't think so.."

"But all my other friends mom and dad live with each other..." She trailed off sounding sad.

"Ok ok if your mom says I could live there then I'll come live with you guys" I answered.

I know Olivia is going to say no and if she does Bella would be mad at her and not me. I already have too much to make up for, I don't need Bella hating me in the meantime.

Olivia POV

"Mommy could daddy please live with us" Bella begged.

"Absolutely not" I rolled my eyes.


"Because I said no"

"All of my other friends mom and dad live together..." She said with glossy eyes. I could tell she was going to cry any second from now.

"Ok he could stay...only for a couple of weeks"

"Years" she mumbled under her breathe.

"Don't push it Isabella" I warned her.

Sik-k POV

"She said yes?!" I panicked.

"Yes dad she said yes!" Bella jumped around my room.

"Let's get your things packed" she said going into my closet."


I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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