Chapter 15

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Olivia POV

"You took him back?!" Dabin yelled at me. I honestly don't understand why he's mad. We're not together.

"Don't yell at me" I yelled back. "He's the father of my unborn baby" I frowned.

"But all he does is lie to you" he says.

"Why would you throw his past in my face like that?"

"I'm just saying-"

"I'm never telling you my business ever again" I said crossing my arms while Dabin was driving us to school.

The car ride was quiet after that. Once he parked the car, I furious took off my seat belt walking away from him.

"Olivia you're not seriously mad at me for looking out for you" Dabin said trying to keep up with me.

"I don't need you to look out for me Dabin" I said rushing into class.

Later on at Lunch...

Dabin sat next to me at lunch like usual but we didn't talk. I was still mad at him for trying to be my father.

I went to go use the bathroom and some girl that has my fourth period class kept looking at my hand. I tried ignoring her because I don't want no problem. I can't put my baby at risk.

"Who gave that to you" she pointed on my ring finger.

"My boyfriend" I said.

"Are you sure you didn't steal it" she grabbed my hand.

"What is wrong with you" I pulled my hand from her.

"You stole it, didn't you?" She pushed me.

"No I told you my boyfriend gave it to me leave me alone" I tried leaving the bathroom but she ran in front of the door. Why is she bothering me? She never even looked in my direction until today.

"Ok" she finally let me leave the bathroom. The situation wasn't sitting right with me and I couldn't talk to Dabin because it would cause him to bad mouth Sik-k.

After lunch, we went back to our classes. Since I'm a pregnant woman I always have to go pee so, I went to the bathroom. While I was walking back Jessica was with two other girls. What was scary is that they were walking towards me. I tried walking the opposite direction but, one of the girls yanked me and pushed me against the lockers.

I was so frightened. I had no one at my side and they could easily attack my baby. I put my hand over my stomach even though I knew it wouldn't do much.

"So you're Sik-k's girlfriend?" One of the random girls asked. I was too scared to answer. They are probably one of those girls that have a crush on him.

"She is his girlfriend. I seen them holding hands while coming to school before" random girl number two said.

"I doubt it" Jessica laughed. "You're not even that pretty" she looked at me smirking.

I've been feeling really insecure about myself since I've gotten pregnant so that made me feel really ugly. These girls are so pretty. I wish I was half of what they are.

"Sik-k is always cheating on her" random girl number one said. I was just hoping this wasn't true. He said he would never cheat on me again.

"Well your boyfriend slept with me for that ring that you're wearing" Jessica blurted out. "So, it's not really worth much" she laughed causing the other girls to laugh with her.

So that's where he got it from. Why could I be so stupid to take him back. He'll never change.

I looked down as tears starts falling down my cheeks. All that did was fuel their laughter at me. Sik-k always has me looking stupid. Every time I'm ready to move on and do better for myself he tricks me into thinking he truly loves me and wants to be with me. What made him think it would be smart to give me a ring that he slept with a girl for.

I just need to move on. We're not meant to be. We should just take care of our baby girl separately.

They were still laughing at me saying how I didn't know who the father of my baby is and how ugly I am until Dabin came and made them leave me alone.

Maybe, the guy that I need to be with is standing right in front of me. I need to stop trying this relationship with Sik-k and open a new one with Dabin.

After school...

Sik-k called and I answered to confront him about the Jessica situation.

"Are you still gonna spend the night at my house" he asked.


"What? Why not?"

"Did you sleep with some girl named Jessica for the ring you gave me?" I got straight to the point.

He became silent on the other line "where did you hear that?" He finally answered.

"Just tell me the truth did you?"

"Yes but it was because I love-" before he could lie to me again, I hung up.

This time I'm seriously done with him.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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