Chapter Eleven

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Olivia POV

One month later

I got the job at the café that Dabin works at. It feels good to be making my own money even though I go home exhausted. Sik-k got a job at a fast food restaurant. He seems more focused. Thank God we're finally on the same page.

I didn't know my mom comes here everyday. Ive been watching her come here for two weeks now. I didn't have enough courage to face her. Last time I seen her, I told her I was pregnant and she kicked me out. It was really cold outside that day and she wouldn't let me wait for Sik-k's mom to come get me inside so I had to sit out in the cold. Every time I think about that, it hurts. I'm willing to forgive her and build a better relationship with her because I want my child to know my side of the family.

As I was on my break, I seen my mom walk into the café. Believe it or not, I'm so happy to see her. No matter what she's the one that gave birth to me. I should at least say hi.

She sat down by the window in the front of the café. I made my way to go sit in front of her to talk.

She took one glance at me and looked down not acknowledging me.

"Mom, I missed you" I said. No response.

"How is dad doing?" I asked. No response.

"I hope you don't hate me" I say. I still get no response.

"I know you're mad about me being with someone you disapproved of and getting pregnant by him but, you're still my mom. I'll always love you whether you want me to or not. I can't go back in time and redo my mistakes. I hope one day you can forgive me so my baby could at least know her grandparents" I waited for her reaction. I was hoping this would mend our relationship and she would have a change of heart.

She got up from her seat and sat somewhere. I felt worthless. Not even my own mother wants anything to do with me.

I spent my work day in a terrible mood. I just want to cuddle in Sik-k's arms.

"Are you ok" Dabin asked.

"Yeah I'm ok" I sighed. I feel like I should only tell Sik-k what's wrong because he's my boyfriend. It just feels wrong to have another guy comfort me.

"No you're not what's wrong?"

"It's nothing Dabin"

"Ok" he pulled out a quarter. "If it lands on tails you have to tell me what's wrong"

"And if it lands on tails I don't have to tell you shit" I smirked.

He flipped it and it lands on heads. I roll my eyes.

"While I was on break my mom came into the café I tried talking to her but she ignored me. She got up from her seat and sat somewhere else" tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"Maybe one day she'll get over it just give her time"

"she hates me" I cried in my hands. My mother acted as if she didn't know me. I looked up to her at one point of my life thats why it hurts so bad.

Dabin held me in his arms as I cried. After that he bought me food. Sometimes I really wish that Dabin was the father of my baby.

I need to stop thinking like that I'm in a relationship with Sik-k.

When I got home Sik-k wasn't even home. We usually get off work around the same. I'm pretty sure he's cheating on me but, I can't deal with this drama and my mom hating me at the same time.

I took a shower and got dressed in my pajamas to go to sleep. But I couldn't really sleep. The fact that my mother hates me was weighing on my mind and on top of that there was a thunderstorm outside.

In the middle of the night, Sik-k sneaks in my bed like he usually does. Thank God, now I have someone to hold me.

"Sik-k" I said as he lays on my bed.


"I had a bad day" I told him.

"We'll talk about it in the morning" he said closing his eyes.

I sighed trying to go to sleep but the thundering sound made me jump.

I tried to snuggle into Sik-k's arms but he turns over. He knows I hate thunderstorms. Maybe he's just really tired.

In the morning, he wasn't in my bed anymore. I didn't pay any attention to that. I just took a shower and got ready for school. When I finished I realized Sik-k wasn't here.

"Where's Sik-k?" I asked Sik-k's mom. "He left for school" she says.

Why is he going to school without me again? Did he break up with me again? I don't know what's going on with our relationship. He barely talks to me, he's always coming home late, and he . He still expects me to have sex with him 5 times out of the week and I still give it to him. I continuously give him all of me because I just want him to love me like he use to.

I'm glad that I didn't tell Dabin I was dating Sik-k so I still have a ride to school. I'm pretty sure Sik-k and I are over so I'll just move on.

Sik-k POV

I had to wake up before Olivia so I could walk Valerie to school. She has been threatening to tell Olivia that she's pregnant if I don't spend time with her after work or walk her to school.

I just hope Olivia doesn't think anything is going on.

"Why aren't you holding my hand?" Valerie whined while we were walking down the street.

"I just don't feel like it"

"Don't tell me you're thinking about that bitch a-"

"Don't call her a bitch. She's the mother of my child" I quickly defended Olivia.

"I am too"

"But she's the first" Valerie rolled her eyes.

"Whatever..." She trailed off. "I need you to come over after work today. My parents want to meet you" she smiled.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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