My pilot | Poe Dameron

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「part one」

You were a skilled pilot in training for the resistance. Well, skilled was an understatement. You were incredible. Piloting flowed through your blood.

Why were you so determined to become a great pilot? It was all for Poe Dameron, easily the most handsome man in the resistance. Piloting was your passion, not because of the thrill it gave you, but because your teacher was Poe.

By becoming a skilled pilot you hoped that it would get Poe to notice you and it worked. Whenever he instructed training he always seemed to concentrate on you, sometimes even giving you a wink or two.

You wiped the sweat from your forehead after you finished your run on the treadmill. Although you were already sore and exhausted from your 30 minute work-out, today was Friday and that meant an extreme training session. You glanced at the clock and saw that it read 5:52.

"Shit." you mumbled as you scrambled for your water bottle and cooling towel and then proceeded to run out the room.

When you turned down the hall, trying to make it to the training room on time, you ran into Poe.

"Oh-uh Officer Poe," you studdered "I'm sorry for being late."

You tried to enter the room but he put his arm out to stop you.

"It's fine," Poe smirked and he studied your topless chest

Heat rose to your cheeks and you looked away, unable to meet his eyes, after realizing you left your shirt in the other room

"I reckon you don't even need to attend training. Your progression is phenomenal and I see you becoming an officer in a month, a few weeks even. " He said still smiling at you

"T-thank you. I'll head back up to my quarters." You said turning around

Although you were now several feet away you could still feel his eyes on your back.

「time skip」

You stepped out of the shower and faced the foggy mirror. You tried to think about your training schedule but Poe was on your mind.

Annoyed that he was planted in your mind, you quickly dressed and went down to the cafeteria to grab lunch.

You walked toward the table where your friends, also pilots in training, were sitting.

"Where were you? You're never missed a single day of training unless you had a reason," said Joel, bringing his cup of water to his mouth.

"Actually I was out a few months ago and missed a week of training," you replied rolling your eyes

"A blaster went off and shot you in your leg that doesn't count," replied Mary

"It nicked my leg so I took days off. I didn't have to, but I did. It counts." you replied

"Is there something going on between you and Poe?," asked Analisa out of nowhere

"N-no," you replied, suddenly becoming nervous, "Why would you ask?,"

"Because I saw the two of you, about 20 minutes into training this morning, talking outside the room," smirked Mary

"Who else saw?," You asked nervously, raising your voice

"Uh all of us," replied Joel, talking about the other 15-or so pilots in training.

Your face turned crimson and Analisa acknowledged it

"Ha!," she shouted "I knew it!,"

"Is that why you're such a good pilot?," asked Mary not understanding how irritated you were

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