Temporary | Han Solo

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Imagine: Han transforms from a smuggler to a galaxy hero before your eyes and you're feel as if he's not spending enough time with you and just leaving you behind.







I remember meeting Han like it was yesterday. I was sitting in a cantina bar, full of loud and drunk creatures. I was there not only to get a drink, but to find a guy who had trashed my friend's ship. I scanned the room, looking for the man who fit my description, when a handsome young man caught my eye. His smug smile and soft brown hair made my heart beat faster; I nearly fell out of my chair. 

He quickly took a shot of the purple liquid in front of him, turning his head to look in my direction. It seemed as if he was looking at me, but he never met my eyes. I looked around, trying to figure out what he was looking at when I realized, he was staring at my ass. My eyes widened and my cheeks reddened. The man looked up and threw me a smirk that weakened my knees. I quickly turned around and drank the new glass of liquor set in front of me. Before I could even turn my head to find the man, he was sitting down on the empty stool next to me. 

"Hey gorgeous." He said in a deep, flirtatious voice. 

I froze in my spot as I felt his hand on my back, the only sound I could release from my mouth was a squeak.

"I noticed you checking my out." He smiled, his eyes glistening in the dimly lit cantina. 

"You were too!" I barked back, shaking my head, "I could feel your eyes on my ass."

The brown-haired man let out a deep chuckle. "Han Solo." He said holding out his free hand.

"[y/n] [y/l/n]" You said shaking it. 

Han pulled your hands to his lips, giving it a quick kiss. "How about we get out of here and I show you the stars."

"I've already seen half of them."

"But you haven't seen all of them." Han smirked, locking eyes with me. 

"Fine." I sighed, following him to his ship. I admired it's neatly kept interior. I ran my hand along the walls, tracing the paths of the lights. 

"It's beautiful." I spoke softly, admiring his ship.

All of a sudden, I walked into what felt like a giant pillar of fur. I looked up to see a furry face matching the body. What ever it was, it let out a roar and in response I screamed and held out my blaster. 

"Hey-hey, calm down you two." Han said laughing and putting a hand over my blaster.  

"That walking carpet almost killed me!" I shrieked, catching my breath.

"[Y/n], this is my co-pilot Chewie." Han said, placing his hand on my back once again. "Relax buddy, I don't think she's ever met a wookie before."

"Now for the stars!" Han exclaimed, giving me a quick kiss and dragging me towards the cockpit. 

That was the start of a new chapter of my life. After that, I begun to accompany Han on his journeys. I enjoyed the adrenaline the danger of smuggling brought me when I was with him. 

I was unaware at the time, but a single visit to a cantina on Tatooine would bring change that I was not ready for.

"We're leaving," said Han grabbing my arm, "C'mon."

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