Let Him Love Me | Luke

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imagine: you and Luke have THE BIGGEST crush on each other and Luke tries to be creative but your older brother, Han,  is always in the way. (Set on the millennium falcon)



It was Valentines day and Luke had decided to make his love for me known. He woke early just to make me breakfast. Blueberry Pancakes, topped with whipped cream along with a berry smoothie. Luke set it on the small table in my room and left to shower. Leaving it there was not the best decision. 

Han showed up in my room, a couple minutes later, to wake me but decided to treat himself to the food, assuming Leia was the creator of the delicious platter. 

I woke to the obnoxious noise of chewing and slurping. "Hannnn," I groaned, pushing my brother off my bed. "Why are you eating in my room? Go eat out there." I said shaking my head in disapproval of crumbs littering my bedsheets. 

Han relocated to the kitchen and I walked into my bathroom to get ready for the day.

"Did you like the food?" Luke said poking his head around the corner, startling me.

"What food?" I asked, pulling my hair into a tight braid

"Oh-uh you didn't-" Luke started before being interrupted by Han

"I LOVED it!" Han shouted in reply from down the hallway

I gave Luke a small smile as he ran out of the room. 

Later that day, Luke made a gorgeous spa-like area of my bathroom. The tub was lined with candles and littered with roses. There were chocolates, relaxing lotions, and bath products everywhere

It would've been a sight I adored, but Han beat me to it. He took it upon himself to fill the tub, try the products, and consume all the chocolates. 

Luke heard the door open and took off his shirt, assuming it was me. What he didn't expect was naked Han, behind the bathroom door. Luke let out a high pitched scream and bolted out of the room while Han was dying of laughter. 

"What's going on?" I asked, as Luke ran by, shrieking and pulling his shirt back on. 

I waited for Han to finish before confronting him. "What is going on with you two today?" I asked, holding my arm out to stop Han from walking past me. 

Han just smiled, kissed my head, and walked away, leaving me confused.

That night Luke took me to dinner and I finally caught on to what was happening, he'd been doing all those sweet things for me and Han was ruining it.

We returned to the Millennium Falcon late at night to find Han waiting for us, clutching a soft teddy bear. Luke let out a groan causing Han to burst into laughter. 

I finally lost it. "Han!" I cried, raising my hand to his face. "Can't you just let him love me?" I shrieked. 

Han's expression turned to a more regretful one and he put the teddy bear in my arms. 

"[y/n] I was just, I wanted to-" He studdered, trying to hide the fact that he was in overprotective-sibling-mode.

I rolled my eyes, and turned my body towards Luke.  I pulled my arms around Luke's neck and kissed his lips, causing him to turn bright red. 

"Let's go Han, you've already given them enough trouble." Leia said, tugging on Han's arm. 

"Don't forget Kid!" Han cried out to Luke "Hands above the equator and below the tropic of cancer!"

Luke's cheeks turned even more crimson and I just kissed him harder.






awww luke is such a cinnamon roll i love him

yay i was actually productive today and wrote a few more oneshots that'll i'll post some other time!!

- mari

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