Pick me, Choose me, Love me | Han Solo

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imagine: you and Han are always on an off because his constant leaving leaves you alone and hurt.




"You're leaving me AGAIN?" I ask with tears filling my eyes. 

"[y/n], I-i" Han looked at me, holding my hand.

I pulled my hand away and said, "Han, I love you but I don't think I'm strong enough for this," 

"You need to support me too." Han replied with a hint of  annoyance in his voice

"I tried!" I screamed, with sobs choking my throat, "I really did. I tried."

I pulled him in for one last kiss and ran away from the docking bay in Hoth, and towards my room. 

"[y/n]? Are you ok?" Leia asked, softly knocking on my door 

"I'm fine.." I sniffled, "Did Han leave?"

"He did." Leia said, letting herself in. 

I buried my tear stained, puffy eyed face  in my pillow, hiding from my best friend. I didn't want her to see me like this. 

She sat on the edge of the bed and softly asked, "what happened?"

"I think I-" I started before sobbing, "I think I broke up with him."

Leia embraced me as I vented and told her everything that happened and everything I was feeling. 

"I'll be right back, I know how to fix this." she said leaving my room.

Leia returned a few minutes later with a bunch of snacks, holo-movies, and Luke. We sat on my bed and talked for hours

Weeks passed before I saw Han again. I missed him. He was always in my dreams and I felt horrible for letting him go. 

"Just thought you'd like to know," Leia said, skipping into my room "Han's back." 

"Wha-where?" I asked, bouncing to my feet.

"He's probably down in the landing area fixing the falcon." She said.

I gave her a tight hug and ran down to the landing area, with a smile beaming on my face. However, that smile faded as soon as I saw him kissing another girl. I ducked behind a service cart and just watched them. My heart ached at the fact he'd moved on. I knew it would happen, but I just never wanted it to.

This wasn't the first time I'd seen Han kissing another girl, it seemed he was with a different one each day.

"Don't do this too yourself." Leia told me one day, shaking her head

"Do what?" I asked, pretending to not know what she was talking about.

Leia rolled her eyes at me, "Make Han and the other girls he's been with the only thing on you

r mind."

"I can't help it." I mumbled, "I still love him."

"Yeah, I know." said Leia, "I have to go on a diplomatic mission tomorrow and I'm taking you and Han with me." Leia said

I shook my head, "I'm busy."

"Busy regretting breaking up with Han." Leia chuckled 

I scowled back in return, "Can you bring Luke? It's going to be awkward without him."

"Fine." Leia agreed. "Be at the docking bay at 6 tomorrow morning."

I nodded and walked to my room to pack a bag. Even though I'd found Han with other girls, I'd still hoped he loved me.

The next morning I woke at 5, ecstatic and anxious to be with Han. I went to the cafeteria to grab food and I ended up finding into Han. 

"I missed you [y/n]." he said embracing me in a hug. "I'm so sorry."

"Me too." I said kissing his cheek. 

We talked about what went on in the days without each other and I was surprised and relieved to hear that he did not mention any other girls. Eventually, time ran out and Han left to go make last minute checks on the Millennium Falcon. 

As the Leia, Luke, and I walked to Han's ship I caught him making out with yet another girl, this one was a blue-haired mechanic who regularly worked on my x-wing. 

Instead of hiding my feelings I decided to released them. "Han Solo!" I screamed, walking towards him. "Stars, you must be the biggest idiot in the galaxy!"

I pulled an embarrassed Han away from the girl and onto his ship. As the doors closed I raised my fist to his jaw. That would leave a bruise.   

"H-hey!" Han protested, holding his hand to his face. 

Chewbacca let out an angry noise at the sight of Han.

"Stay out of this giant carpet." I scowled at Chewbacca, Han's wookie friend. 

"Seeing you with those other girls is breaking my heart!" I cried, while leading Han into an empty room. 

"They don't mean-" Han started before I interrupted him.

"I don't care!" I screamed once again, "Pick me, choose me, LOVE me."

Han stared into my eyes and his guilt turned to lust as he pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"Please, don't leave me again Han. If you have to go somewhere, just take me with!" I said, kissing him harder. 

"I love you," I whispered. 

 "I know" replied Han with a smirk on his face.






who recognizes the oneshot title? anybody? haha I'm a huge greys fan. 

ughh that "I love you" "I know line" is the most iconic thing EVERR, you'll probably see me use it a lot ;)))

*if theres mistakes in this oneshot or the previous one lmk because I was too lazy to edit them lol

- a very tired mari who should be sleeping to energize and refuel her body for tomorrow but instead writes fanfiction about a space fantasy that she wishes was real because the real world sucks

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