Soulmate | Kylo Ren

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imagine: you've been connected to someone's mind for a while, but you assumed it was the force; It was really a sign of love.







(flashback to when you were 8 years old, on your home planet Chandrila.)

"kriff" I muttered as a laser grazed my back. I looked behind me to see a dark figure pointing a blaster directly towards me.

"Run." a strange childish voice, unfamiliar to my mind, spoke.

"What?" I whispered back, confused and scared at whoever was talking to me.  

"Just run." it said once more. 

 I didn't hesitate to do as it told, since more shots flew past me from the figure. 

"Turn at the tree with the strange markings on your right, and climb it." said the voice one more.

"Climb it?" I asked, my arms swinging wildly at my sides, helping me glide along the trees. 

There was no verbal response, but I had the feeling that climbing the tree was what needed to be done. 

"Who are you and what are you doing in my head?" I quietly asked the voice in my head, catching my breathe from the run. 

"Why was that man chasing you?" It asked, ignoring my question. Due to the non-consistent pitch of the voice, it must've been from a boy; He sounded around my age.

"I don't know." I replied, scanning my surroundings for the hostile person. 

"I know." The voice boasted.

"How do you-" 

"Your parents work for the New Republic, am I correct?" the boy asked

I nodded but realized there was no way for the voice to see this, yet I had the feeling he did. 

"Well you have the access codes to weaponry and information that he wants."

"How would I have that information?" I asked the voice. At this point, I was 110% sure I was going mental. 

"Your pretty necklace. The crystal is hollow on the inside and actually contains a hard drive, full of important stuff ." The boy replied.

I touched my necklace, confused about the information I had just learned from the strange voice. How could he know?  

Out of the quiet air, a twig snapped loudly; I turned my body towards the sound, nearly falling off the branch in the process.

I could hear the faint crackle of a comn, "Did you find her?".

"No," a man, most likely the one who shot at me, growled. "Stupid brat."

"Find her." the voice commanded the comn.

The man ruffled his hair and walked in another direction, in search of me. My heart pounded against my rib cage as I begun to fear what could happen.

"He won't get you." The voice assured me, "You're too smart for him. Besides, you have me anyway.

I loud and deep scream erupted in the distance. The noise startled me, causing me to fall out of the branch and plunge at least 20 feet to the ground.  I could feel the blood, trickling from the side of my head and a sharp sensation coming from my leg, indicating a fracture.

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