Comfort Food | Poe Dameron

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imagine: after the destruction of Luke's jedi temple, you travel with Leia, whom you consider your second mother, to a secret resistance base. There, you meet Poe Dameron, a charming individual who provides comfort through odd times. 
It had been a dull evening, the air around me was tense and awkward. The whole aura of Luke's jedi academy made me sick to my stomach and I couldn't figure out why. I decided to sleep on it, taking my food up to my room.

Screams, shrieks, and cries, woke me from my sleep. I stepped outside, leaning on the side of my door, adjusting to the darkness in the air around me.

I let out a shaky sigh as the sight of chaos. I then noticed a familiar figure walking towards me. "Ben?" I asked the dark figure that gripped an ignited red saber? "Where did you get a red kyber crystal."

"That is none of your business." He snapped, speaking to me in a tone he rarely used. "Join me, [y/n]. I can make you into a powerful jedi and your true abilities will be revealed."

"Ben" I sighed sadly, my heart aching as I knew where this was going. I would have to choose between'ruling' the galaxy with my childhood best friend, or I would get sliced in half. Sliced in half it is. "I can't, I won't"

Ben forced a chuckle, "I figured. You leave me with no choice."

I closed my eyes, waiting for the sharp, burning pain of a lightsaber to break my skin. "Don't forget me.", I whispered.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the sharp burn of a lightsaber to enter my torso. Instead, the room I once resided in, crumbled to the ground, trapping me under structural material. I struggled to breathe underneath the heavy weight on my back, so I gave up. I took one last, short, breath and closed my eyes. 



Suddenly, I was aware of my surroundings. I could feel the sheets I was laying on, and I could feel the needles in my arm. The cold, empty air was present on my skin and I was able to smell the freshness of the clean room. I opened my eyes and I squinted at the bright lights on the ceiling. The only thing I could focus on was my heartbeat, that loudly throbbed in my ears.

"She's waking up!" announced a calm voice.

I shifted on the bed, and felt a warm hand grip mine, in a comforting manner. My vision focused and I was able to make out the appearance of a gray haired woman. She seemed to radiate comfort and beauty, as my eyes were now fixated on the shimmering pendant that hung from her neck. 

"Leia." I whispered, my throat dry and my voice hoarse. 

"How are you feeling?" she asked, stoking my hair before leaving her chair to pour me a glass of water. 

I brought the cool glass to my lips, shaking as the cold liquid moved down my throat. "I've been better."

"Did Luke stop Ben, w-where is he?" I asked, feeling a twinge of pain, remembering the recent events were indeed real. 

Leia let out a sad, tired sigh and met my gaze. As I stared into her eyes, awaiting an answer, I watched as tears began to form and fall along the edges. Leia grabbed my hand and shook her head. "Ben's gone, Luke-I don't know where he is."

"What?" I asked, starting to cry as well. 

"There's not much I know right now, you've only been out for a day but we haven't had a great deal of time to look into the situation. Luke was nowhere to be found when we searched the Academy, and R2 was unresponsive, most likely in low power mode. Ben the same, no sight of him. "

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