I Don't Need Your Help | Luke Skywalker

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Imagine: this is like a re-written first star wars (episode 4) when Leia is being rescued by Luke and Han, on the death star, but you (her younger sister (biological to Bail Organa) are with her.

thank you @northernlion196 for the prompt! 





I woke up to a throbbing pain under my eye and on my color bone. I sat up to face a dark room and Leia, my adopted sister, sifted on the other side of the stained cot we were laying on. 

"Are you alright?" Leia mumbled. 

I turned my upper body to face Leia and study her face. Similar to mine, it was bruised and beaten. 

"What happened?" I asked hoarsely.

"You don't remember?" she asked

"No," I said shaking my head

Leia gave out a sad and annoyed sigh, "Well from what I am able to recall, we are currently  hostages of a large weapon. They call it the Death Star. We both refused to give up any information regarding the plans and we were tortured."

I nodded, taking a second to process what Leia spoke. 

"A-and" she chocked out, "They tested the weapon on a plant."

My face fell, "What happened? What planet?" I asked, suddenly interested in the capability of the weapon. 

Leia paused and looked down, "It's fully operational and they tested it on Alderaan." 

Suddenly, everything seemed to stop and I felt sick to my stomach. 

"Alderaan?" I asked, tears escaping my eyes, "What about-"

"They were unaware, there's no way he could've escaped. I'm so sorry [y/n]." Leia spoke softly. I don't know how she did it. Leia had the ability to withhold her emotions but me, I let the waterworks flow. 

I kept shaking my head in disbelief, my family and everyone I knew and grew up with was dead. Leia pulled me into a comforting embrace and we held each other and released our emotions. We cried for an at least an hour, just sobbing on that disgusting cot. 

My sadness soon transformed to anger. I ran to the barred door and screamed at the guards surrounding it.

"I hate all you fools! I hate you. I hate you ALL!", I screamed as loud as I could before my voice turned scratchy and hoarse. 

"[y/n]" Leia cooed, pulling me back and whispering in my ear, "I might have a plan."

"Well spill it!" I spoke, now eager for revenge

"Let's try and lure two guards into the cell and steal their armor!" she said with an eager whisper. 

I nodded but how will we do it?" I asked

Leia shrugged, pacing behind the cell door, "Their next shift is in 20 minutes lets think of something before then."

I nodded in agreement and threw out some ideas. Leia rejected them all. We each gave out a few more but discard them, acknowledging the worst outcomes possible. 

"This isn't working," I said glancing at the approaching storm troopers, "Lets just try something,"

I pretended to hallucinate and act straight up bonkers. Leia, going along with my act started to shriek, pretending to not know what was happening. 

I pretended to collapse and Leia shrieked even louder, causing the troopers to enter the cell. 

"AV-2409" one of the troopers spoke, "Retrieve medication A7 for this girl. Lord Vader has requested that these two be healthy for their next interrogation."

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