Birthday | Poe Dameron

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imagine: you find about your flyboy's birthday just TWO DAYS prior so you need to plan, quickly







"I suppose you've already started planning," Rey cheerfully said, resting a hand on my shoulder, "Let's team up! Finn and I have a few ideas."

"For what?" I sighed laughing at her cheerfulness

"For Poe's birthday silly!"

"Birthday?" I nearly screamed, starting to panic, "It's Poe's birthday?!"

"You didn't know?" Rey asked

"No." I replied, feeling hurt, upset, and confused at the fact I hadn't known the birthday of my boyfriend for six months.

"You still have two days."

"That's not enough time- I can't-I only create a mess-" I stuttered, heavily breathing and panicking.

"Relax," Rey whispered while she pulled me in a tight embrace. "You have time, you are not alone on this either. Just make sure you don't say anything."

"Oh-uh, you know I'm going to-"

"Don't say anything," Rey said as I nodded.

Rey walked out of the room and left me alone to my thoughts.

An hour passed and I had only created a few ideas. I could go simple and invite a few people or I could go big and invite the whole resistance. I was consumed by color themes, food ideas, and decorations.

"Stars, stop freaking out over this [y/n]!" Finn said joining me in the small room, with Rey right behind him.

"I don't know what to choose! All of a sudden, it's like I'm dating a complete stranger, I don't know what he likes!" I cried

"Hey-hey, don't overthink." Rey said with a soothing tone, "Poe is always flying somewhere it's alright that you don't know much, but you do know that he's happy with anything. "

I nodded, pulling my tablet back into my lap.

"Show us your ideas," said Finn

"I was thinking about it being an open invite on the resistance, Poe's a sweet guy and tons of people know him, so why not?" I said while Finn and Rey nodded eagerly.

"It's going to be causal, simple music and snacks, maybe a few games here and there. We can set up light decor, balloons of neutral shades and a hint of orange. Oh!, and we can litter tables with x-wing confetti."

"I love it!" Rey approved

"What about cake?" Finn asked

"I'm going to make one for Poe and I'll get a cook to make a few more."

"HA! You, baking?" Rey laughed in between words.

"I can make something decent here-and-there!" I argued.

"Don't forget to comn us if you need help." Finn reminded me

"Yeah-yeah," I replied with a laugh.

"How about you focus on the cake and getting the word out while Finn and I gather supplies and set up a room." Rey sugguested

"Thanks so much, you two, it really helps!" I said standing up, still clutching my tablet.

I quickly walked down the hall and up the stairs, towards the general's office.

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