You're the One part 1 | Anakin Skywalker

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imagine: you're the sister of Padmé and have a huge crush on your childhood Jedi friend, Anakin. When something unexpected happens, Anakin is there to save you and true feelings are revealed. Takes place during attack of the clones. 

I wasn't force sensitive but I could feel something outside my bedroom window. There was a light hum coming from that strange object outside my room. I shut my eyes tighter but the pulsation began to flow through my veins, vibrating throughout my body. 

I suddenly sat up, gasping for air. I gazed at the window, expecting to see some creep outside my window with a strange tool but instead, I saw a black droid. As soon as I noticed its presence, it whirred away, as if it had seen me too. 

I slid out of my bed and adjusted my nightgown while, slowly but softly, trudging out of my room. 

I walked down the hallway, glaring at the windows surrounding it, now paranoid of that dark droid. I needed to find my sister, Padmé, and make sure she was safe. Padmé, being in the senate, is a more well known figure than I am. Even though I care deeply for my sweet older sister, I've always been jealous of her. If anything happened to her and threatened her safety, there would be complete chaos and Jedi's everywhere to protect her, making sure she is safe. But for me, it wouldn't be as complex. I'm just Padmé's disposable sister who has no value to the senate what so ever. Nobody would bat an eye at my disappearance yet they would continue to talk. Although this society had evolved, women in combat who weren't generals or Jedi were frowned upon. I couldn't be trusted to train people, yet I was skilled. Obi-Wan had previously invited me to train with him and even take on the role of a Jedi because I was a natural fighter. I was ecstatic and was overjoyed at this, yet Padmé said no. Thats the other thing about my perfect sister that bothers me, she makes decisions for me like I'm 7. I'm 18 now and I am perfectly capable of managing my own life. Yet like everybody else, Padmé tends to  look past me.  

At that moment, I had forgotten to turn the corner and ran straight into the wall with a startling thud. I shook my head and let out a few curse words at my clumsiness. 

I turned the corner, continuing my path to Padmé's room. The door, belonging to the room I had just body slammed into, opened and i nearly walked into it.

Anakin, with scruffy bed hair, stepped out of the room and groggily analyzed me and the situation. 

"Did you just walk into the wall?" He asked, with dark bags hanging from his eyes. 

My cheeks turned bright red but not because I had just woken him with my clumsiness, not because he was shirtless and his strength was apparent by his chiseled chest, but because I could feel his eyes on my exposed chest. 

I began to stutter and twist my words and managed to say, "I need to go to-uh Padmés room. Sorry to disturb you.". I finished my words with a bow and quickly walked towards Padmés room.

"what's the hurry?" Anakin called out behind me, but I ignored him and continued walking. 

I reached my sisters door and put my ear against it. I exhaled shakily as I didn't hear anything, a sign everything in her room was peaceful. 

I turned the door knob, just enough to get a peek into her room. I let my self in and carefully walked along the wall, towards her windows. I stood, looking out into the busy buildings of Coruscant and smiled at the lightening of the sky. It had been a long time since I had been able to rise early and see the sunrise, usually I would be swamped with work the night before and I would sleep in, missing the blend of reds and yellows that pain the sky in the early morning. Taking one last gaze at the sky, I closed the curtains for my sisters safety. My mouth curled into a small smile at the sight of my peacefully sleeping sister. I hoped the droid was was just some new security thing. 

I walked out of Padmé's room, softly closing the door. When I turned around I found Anakin watching me with his head tilted to the side. 

"What are you doing?" He laughed, scratching the back of his head. 

"Nothing that concerns you." I said, turning around.

Anakin quickly grabbed my arm and spun me around so I faced him. My face became warm as we were inches apart. I tensed and I became extremely nervous at his exposed chest.

"You're usually never up at this hour, what is your reason today." Anakin asked once more, wanting an explanation for my presence in my sisters room so early. 

"Are you concerned about me or Padmé?" I asked, raising my eyebrow

Anakin didn't answer and broke eye contact. 

I was about to remind Anakin to answer my question when I felt that vibration from earlier this morning. Was I going mad?

I turned my head towards the sound and found myself staring at that black droid, through the dimly lit window. I let out a scream and darted away from the window.

"Are you alright, what happened [y/n]?" Anakin asked rushing to my side.

I took heavy breaths and stood up, balancing myself on Anakin's arm. 

Padmé rushed out of her room at the sound of my disturbing scream, followed by Obi-Wan who rushed up the stairs. Both Obi-Wan and Padmé asked several times about the situation and if I was ok. 

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me, sorry to wake you but it was nothing." I said shooing Padmé back into her room.

"Anakin!" Padmé called out, gesturing for him. 

"I'll be right back, wait here." He said softly.

I tried to explain that I could walk back to my room on my own but he'd already started to walk back towards Padmé's room. 

My face fell as I heard my sister ask Anakin to breakfast, seeing she was already up. I decided not to listen for his answer as my ego was already bruised by Padmé. It was no secret that I had the biggest crush on Anakin but he was oblivious to it, seeing Padmé had one two. 

I made my way down the stairs, one step at a time. I checked each window, for the flying black sphere. To my relief it was gone. I decided to journey down the main hall, looking for something to occupy my time. 

Then, everything went black and I felt my body go limp as I was being dragged into a room.




Oops this was intended to be short and I stretched it out. Haha I kinda want to make this oneshot into a book ;))


next part coming out in like 30 mins lol

- mariii

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