Baby Fever | Poe Dameon

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Imagine: When you return from a successful mission, you find a lost child, and now your task is to return her to her sister. Little did you realize, your effort captured the heart of Poe Dameron,

disclaimer: I know you can just hop out of an x-wing but let's just pretend you need a ladder because I love that moment between the reader and poe








"woo-hoo!" cheered Poe Dameron into his communications headset, after the destruction of  a First Order star destroyer. "Red and silver leaders, bring your squad back to base."

"Remaining personnel of the silver squadron," I spoke into my headset, "We are to return to base immediately."

"copy that silver leader." replied one of my pilots

After making a smooth landing on my usual landing pad. I glanced around the landing bay, in search for the famous Black One x-wing. 

"[y/n]!" , shouted a voice from a distance.

I took my helmet off and set it on the pilot's seat, turning to face whoever called for my attention.

"Poe Dameron." I laughed, fixing my hair in an attempt to make it more presentable.

"Good to see you." Poe winked, with one arm propped against the side of my x-wing. 

"You too flyboy."

I started to climb out of my x-wing, but noticed there was no ladder propped up on the side. I cursed and looked around for some serviceman to yell at.

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Poe asked, looking up at me from the ground. 

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at Poe. "This is the fourth time maintenance skipped my x-wing.", I complained, stranded on the top of my ship.

"Just jump." Poe said, outstretching his arms. "I'll catch you, don't worry."

I shook my head, "I'll wait."

In the distance, I spotted a person who could bring a ladder, and I waved them over. Poe, apparently not pleased with my decision, picked up a bolt the size of his thumb and threw it at me.

As I cried out in pain, as the bolt hit my leg, I lost my balance. Falling off the side of x-wing, I closed my eyes and prepared for the harsh impact of hitting the concrete floor, but it never came. Instead, I was caught by strong arms. I turned my head to find Poe grinning at me. 

"You moof-milker." I jokingly hissed, giving Poe's cheek a light smack. 

Still in Poe's arms, I touched the spot where the bolt hit me and flinched. It was definitely bruised. 

Poe's expression turned sorrowful, "Did I hurt you, are you ok?"

I gave him a small smile and shook my head, "It's fine, its probably just a little bruise."

Poe grinned back and helped me to my feet. 

"I'm gonna go get debriefing out of the way, care to join?" asked Poe

"Sure." I nodded, walking toward's the general's office.

 Poe and I handed in our flight logs and discussed our mission with the general. 

"If you're not busy tonight, I wanted to see if you would join me for dinner." Poe suggested.

However, I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. My eyes were instead focused on a small child, who was uncertainly moving along the people in the hall, clutching a woven doll between her small fingers. Children were rarely seen on the base, so I knew something was up when I noticed the little girl standing alone with a panicked expression. 

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