My pilot cont'd | Poe Dameron

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「part two」

Poe's POV


I had been thinking about y/n all day. Even though she promised she would contact me as soon as she could but it's been 8 hours.

I checked my tablet for any messages and found none. I couldn't help myself so I checked her location, I just wanted her to be safe.

Location Unavailable; last log Jakku, 9:37

Easily the worst words I could ever read. I tore down the hall to General Leia's quarters,

"What the hell is going on?," I said, panting from the sprinting I had done

"I don't know," she said with a sad look on her face, "Y/N might have accidentally switched the tracker off or-" she spoke but stopped lowering her face

"Or she was captured, most likely by the first order. ", I said, finishing for Leia

"We don't know that! Leia scolded, "There is a chance that we just lost communication,"

"Somethings wrong and I know it!" I replied pulling at my curly hair "I'm going after her,"

"Poe, we need to plan something. You don't know where she is and if you find her you can't just demand her release!" Leia said, concerned about loosing another pilot.

"I know the risks but we're talking about the fate of my best pilot here! I need to bring back y/n. I will departure in 2 hours.", I said walking out of the room

Leia watched me leave and just shook her head, charmed by my boldness but worried she would lose two pilots to the First Order. 


I still had a half hour till I was too leave and I sat in the ship bay, watching my ship being prepped. 

My driod bumped into my leg, chirping that General Leia wanted to see me.

My heart dropped and I walked into the control room, hoping I would not receive the news I dreaded.

 "I have some interesting news," Leia said "The girl, y/n had been sent to find, has sent us a message."

Leia played it on the screen and the girl, Rey, explained how she had the map that would lead us to find Luke Skywalker and saw y/n being carried on a ship by the First Order. She was heading towards the base and would arrive in an hour with Han Solo. 

"T-thats helpful," I nodded, "Tell her I said hello when she arrives!" 

I walked back towards the door when Leia grabbed my coller

"Did you miss the last part of the message? Rey believes she knows where y/n is, Rey is force sensitive and figured out that she is being held on the Star Destroyer. " Said Leia

I nodded and loosed my grip, attempting to walk out.

"She will assist you in bringing back y/n." Leia said, more aggressively and tugging on your arm

You groaned, "You mean I have to wait for her?"

Leia nodded and you watched the clock like a hawk, hoping you could make it move faster. 


Finally the ship landed and you rushed towards Rey and gave her a giant hug. 

She turned red and awkwardly smiled, "Hello..,"

You looked up at Han and smiled. You only received a blank face in response. You grew up with the resistance and hadn't interacted with Han much since he was always flying out somewhere. 

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