Art | Anakin Skywalker

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"Dammit!" I cry, shielding my face as several people trample through my booth, causing it to topple over and disassemble.

My paintings, along with an assortment of pottery and drawings, fall to the floor, with most of the tent's structure. It was hard to tell, but a good number of my art had been destroyed. I had woken early to set up my canopy to display my art, in hopes it would attract more people.

"Hey, Miss!" A voice cried out from behind me. "Miss, watch out!" 

The warning proved to not have any effect, as I turned too late. Another person collided into me, taking me to the ground with him. 

It seemed he too thought to go through my booth, what's left of it, was a shortcut to where ever those reckless people were heading. 

The boy who rammed into me groaned as he stood up.

"Sorry," He said sheepishly, running a hand through his short hair.

"It's quite alright," I said, brushing the dust and the remnants of my artwork off of my dress.

I looked up to a familiar and handsome face. I had seen this guy before, but who was he? I swear I've seen him on the media; Perhaps he was a Jedi/ the clothes. The clothes, well robes, he wore would explain it.

"Did we-uh, take down your booth in the middle of our chase?" The guy asked.

"Yeah, you kinda did," I laughed, "What had you in such a hurry?"

"Anakin!" A voice cried through a comlink, interrupting our conversation, "Where are you?!"

"I'm coming!" The boy, Anakin, quickly replied. 

He glanced back at me, "To answer your question, it was just your average bad guy situation."

I turned from his gaze, trying to hide the blush that was slowly creeping on my face.

Anakin stood up, and grabbed one of my torn paintings. "Do you make these yourself?"

"I do actually, everything here," I replied, watching as he picked up another damaged piece of art, trying to put it back together. "Could you meet me at the Senators complex tomorrow morning?"

I chuckled, "What for?"

"To repay you for all of this," He said, gesturing towards my demolished booth, "I'd like for you to just come and make some art for a few of my friends."

I sighed, "There's no need too, I don't want to be a bother, and besides-"

"Anakin! For heaven sakes, stop fooling around and get over here." The demanding voice yelled through the comlink.

"I gotta go," Anakin told me, carefully setting the pieces of art back down and stepping out of the debris. "Show up tomorrow, please! My name's Anakin by the way."

I gave him a small smile and a little wave, yelling back, "I'm y/n!". I turned to face my collapsed both and wrecked artwork.

I let out a silent sob and sat with my back against a building. I had never painted or drawn before in front of people, nevertheless in a place where important people like senators resided.

Sure, I was bound to encounter rich and famous people, I was living in Coruscant. The whole reason I was here was that people with too much money loved to splurge on my artwork.

It just didn't feel right that I should be alongside those people.

「the next morning, 05:00」

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