Blind Date | Poe

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modern AU

imagine going on a blind date with THE FREAKING Poe Dameron.




"You're doing WHAT?"

"You're so lonely [y/n]," Rey chuckled, "you're going on a date, tomorrow, L'Abeille. Your reservation is at 7."

"With who?" I asked shocked that my best friend had gotten me a date, not only on Valentine's day but at one of the most elegant restaurants in the town.

"You'll see, tomorrow!" Rey yelled, walking out of the room and taking the bag of chips with her

"I don't even have a dress!" I yelled back

I shook my head, confused and stressed about my date. I turned around and bumped into Ben's mom, Leia.

"Borrow one of mine," she chirped "I have too much dresses and not enough dates."

"Uh-um sure," I said following her out of the living room to her room.

She opened the closet doors and I was welcomed with a mass amount of glittering dresses. As I carefully looked through each one I selected a lacy, off the shoulder, silver dress.

"Rey!", you shouted "Come look at this dress."

About two seconds later Finn poked his head in,

"You're not Rey, GET OUT!" I snapped, throwing a soap bottle at him

Rey walked in and pretended to faint, "OMGGGG P-Uh your date is gonna drop dead, [y/n] you look GORGEOUS!"

I gave her a tight hug and noticed Finn and Ben were both watching me.

Ben gave me a wink and Finn gave embraced me in a bear hug. I left Ben's house a few hours later and decided to sleep away my anxiety. 



I woke to a pillow hitting me, square in the face.

"Rise and shine princess!" chuckled Ben

I groaned and rolled over, pulling the sheets over my head. Ben pulled them back and literally dragged me out of bed. 

"Rey asked me to bring you out." 

"Why are you people always in my apartment?" I asked standing up and walking towards the bathroom to fix my messy hair. 

After freshening up a bit, I walked out to my kitchen and found Finn making waffles. Since when did he cook?

"What time is it?" I asked, squinting at the clock. 

"11:42am" Ben responded 

"[y/n], how do you still have dark circles? You slept for like 15 hours?" Rey said stuffing cereal in her mouth

"7pm is too far away," I rolled my eyes, "you think we can binge Netflix to pass the time?"

"Why not?" said Finn, working on what seemed like the 50th waffle

We watched several movies leading up to my date, even though it felt like days, only 6 hours had passed.

"TIME TO GET [Y/N] READY!" Rey sang dragging me to the bathroom.

30 minutes of curling irons in my hair, basket full of makeup, 2 outfit changes, 5 snack breaks, and a nervous breakdown later I was finally ready for my date. 

I had to admit, I looked decent. 

As we walked into the restaurant and Finn whispered something to a waiter. The waiter directed me to a table and I was met with my date, and I couldn't believe my eyes. 

Heat and color rushed to my cheeks as I realized I was set up on a date with POE FREAKING DAMERON, only THE hottest guy at Resistance University. 

"H-hi," I stuttered, nearly falling out of my seat. 

"You're [y/n], right?"he asked with a smirk, forming on his face

"I love your art." Poe complimented

"OH MY FREAKING GOD, HE'S SEEN MY ART!" I thought, internally screaming

"Thanks" I replied, turning beet-red

Our conversations were just cheesy, we talked about our families and what we were majoring in. Poe and I ordered some random fancy steak that wasn't worth up to its price, but the dessert sure was. 

As Poe paid I noticed a light from outside, I studied it and I could finally make out the faces of my friends. 

"Excuse me," I said, walking out to the back of the restaurant. 

Poe quickly paid the bill and followed me

"Were you guys watching us the whole time? I asked

Rey, Finn, and Ben stood silently, giving out a few giggles here and there.

"What's going on?" asked Poe, as he watched me confront my friends. 

"Nothing," I smiled pulling my lips to Poe's, "How about we go for a walk in the city?" I suggested

Poe nodded and followed me. Now it was his turn to turn crimson. 

What took place in the city, was again, cliché and was straight out of a cheesy romance novel. We talked and out conversations went deeper. We walked around and wasted money on exotic, hipster foods that I would not eat regularly. 

I knew he was the one. Although this date was not something I first wanted, it changed into a date that I would keep in my heart. 

I knew that Poe was the one. He was the missing part of me that I've been endlessly searching for. 

He was the one






I found a bunch of cute valentines day prompts on tumblr so expect a few more of these.

Thanks for 20 reads (even though it's literally nothing)! <3333333

If I make any grammar mistakes, feel free to correct me. I'm publishing this at 2 am and I should really asleep because I need to wake up at four LMAO. 

- mari 

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