Comfort | Poe Dameron

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requested by @IBelongtoTB1 




Rogan and Xarovit. 

My favorite twins in the entire galaxy. Stars, they were my favorite in the entire universe. Although they're three years older than me, I swear we had a triplet-like bond. 

As kids, our days were spent in the sun. With the mild seasons, we always found fun in the warm waters and cold snowy days. 

When they get accepted into the resistance's flight academy I was so proud but I never wanted to see them leave. I swear I cried for a whole week after they bid their farewells.

All my life, I assumed politics to be my thing. I always kept up with what was happening in the New Republic and was never afraid to voice my opinion, because I wanted to fight for the people of our galaxy. 

This changed when my brothers went to the flight academy. If they were going to be in constant danger, then the least I could do was fight alongside them. I wasn't bold enough to take on piloting, because the thought of just being in a high altitude made me sick, but mechanics seemed to be suitable. Learning how things worked and how could be fixed proved to be fascinating. Plus, there wasn't as much female mechanics as there was male, so I thought, why not break a stereotype while I was at it. 

But enough about me.

The world did not deserve my brothers. They were extremely charming with their dark hair and blue/almost grey eyes, and unlike me, they knew how to talk to anybody. I had to rehearse thousands of conversation starters and replies as the bare minimum. I was simply a mess in general when it came to people, especially guys. When I was 15, I used to sit next to this guy Aster in school. Naturally, with his teenage charm, he made me nervous. We talked frequently, and I would even go so far to have considered him my friend. One day I tried to say "see you later", but I was also considering saying "have a good day". Naturally, being a complete mess, I said: "see a good later". I'm still internally cringing at that and it been more than 15 years since that occurrence. 

Kriff!, I keep getting off track. Nostalgia amirite?

Rogan and Xarovit, right. Well, they always had someone pining after them. Rogan always brought home a girl, but Xarovit would bring home a guy once in a while. It made me jealous because I knew things were changing. Sometimes I'd resist their sibling-love towards me, but now I'd give anything to watch another holo drama with them. 

They were always too kind to me. Comforting me during my 3-am cry sessions. Making me my favorite foods. Always offering me rides. They supported my sudden change in profession with no questions asked. 

Going to the academy for a completely different profession was rough. I did comn them a lot, but I found myself being declined more and more than usual. It wasn't their fault, they had so much on their plates. 

Luckily, I would eventually be stationed at D'Qar, so we would get to spend much more time together. 

"Hey little sis!" I heard the deep familiar voice of Rogan behind me. 

"Stars!" I cried, jumping in surprise, "I had no idea you were stationed here!"

He embraced me and I was overwhelmed with his familiar scent. 

"Where's Xarovit?", I asked Rogan.

"He's grabbing a drink, want to go find him?"

I nodded and he filled me in on some of the stuff I missed. Obviously it wasn't enough because we had been separated for nearly 6 years. I was overjoyed to hear that he and Kaydel Connix had been dating for a while. Connix was one of the first people I met, she was kind enough to give me a tour of the base too.

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