Chapter 1 (Re-written)

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New school, new friends, and new popular girls that are just snobs. Just great.

It's the same story at each school Dad decides to move me to after I get in 'too' much trouble. I'm that kind of girl. I'm the girl that has went to ten different schools, and I'm only seventeen. They were all private schools, since I'm a difficult girl to handle. One principal told Dad that he would break my bad habits; I got expelled because I drove 70 miles per hour into his Ferrari with my ex-friend's car.

Most people classify me as a bitch.  I may be one, hell, I probably am one. I have been to ten different schools, but this will be my first public school.

"Hailey, get up!" I hear my maid yell through the door.

Did I mention that Dad is a Private Banker for millionaires and billionaires? Since he is never home, he buys houses  for me, while he lives miles away.

"I don't want to go to school!" I moan, rolling over on my back, looking up at my white ceiling.

"Your Dad said you need to go! I will call him if I need to," she threatens. I groan and slowly sit up.

I hate Kathy, she always threatens to call Dad and we both know that Dad will blow up on me if I don't go. He has probably spent close to one million dollars on me, with different schools, and houses, and crap.

I pick up my Iphone to see I have a text from Jason, an old guy friend that I had from my old school, my most recent one that is.

From Jason:
Good luck today at your new school. Don't do anything stupid.

I smile, he knows that I'm not good at keeping my head down like Dad always tells me to.

Climbing out of bed, I look at myself in the mirror. My brown hair is pulled up into a messy bun on top of my head. My blue eyes stare at my reflection. My white American Eagle V-neck shirt is pulled down to see the edge of my teal sports bra. My black shorts come about to the middle of my palm, showing my long legs.

"I'm coming!" I yell, knowing that she will yell up the stairs again in a few more minutes.

Walking into my walk in closet, I slip on my black leggings and my cream lace, cut off shirt. My blue belly button ring touches my skin, making goosebumps appear from the cold metal. The shirt comes just low enough that it barely covers my ring. 

After I slide on my black lace up boots, I walk into my bathroom and fix my hair and my face. I apply black eyeliner, doing a wing design. Then do the rest of my make-up. I comb my hair out and decide to curl it quickly. After about 20 minutes of curling, my hair is in spiral curls around my face.

Opening my door, I see a note on the floor. Picking it up, I read it.


I wish you all the luck I can give you today. Please just be good, I don't know how many other schools I can get you in. Remember, quiet and shy, that is your ticket. Love you.


Seriously? It's like he doesn't know me at all. 

Racing down the stairs, Kathy holds out a Pop Tart for me. I take it, knowing I probably won't eat it. 

"Thanks," I mutter, shoving my phone in my purse as I grab my backpack.

Walking out the door, I grab my keys to my baby, A.K.A my black Corvette.

I roll the top down and start to drive to this 'public school'.

Another about me is,  I drive fast. I would be killed in a second if I crashed, if I crashed. Going about 50 miles per hour in a 30 miles per hour zone gets me to school in ten minutes.

I park my baby in a empty spot close to the doors. Then, I look at the school.

Well, its different than any other school that I went to. The school is a grey brick color. In faded black letters it says, "Home of the Rogersville Jaguars." This is what a 'normal' school is like, broken down and old.

I climb out of my car and shut the door. The roof closes back up as I lock my car.

"Nice car," I hear someone say. I turn around to see a black haired girl. Her green eyes stare at my baby, wide eyed. She has on jean shorts and a old T-shirt that says "Dance Team".

"Thanks... I'm Hailey Jordan. I'm new around here," I say, thinking that she would be a perfect new best friend.

She seems shy. Shy is what I need to stay here.

"I'm Megan Parker. Nice to meet you," Megan says.

I nod and look around until a group of guys catch my eye. Four guys stand in a circle, all wearing jerseys.

"Who are they?" I ask, starting to walk with Megan. She bites her lips and follows my gaze.

"They just might be gods. Their names are Kyle, Zach, Danny, and Carter. They all play every sport our school has, which is a lot. Their downfall is that their all manwhore players. Kyle is the biggest player this year, followed by Zach, then Carter, then Danny. I personally like Zach the best though, so stay away from him" she says, rushing information at me.

I smile.

"Okay, I will," I answer.

"What class do you have first?" She asks me.

I bite my lip, thinking back to my schedule.

"Umm.. Trig," I answer. She nods.

"Me too, let's go."

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