Chapter 20( Re-written)

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As soon as I get behind the school, I am so ready to fight. My anger is just pulsing through my veins.

Kyle holds my hand, not letting go. He knows I would lunge at Adrian right now, if I had the chance.

Zach stands next to Adrian, his proud smirk on his fucking lips. God, I wish I could kick his ass too.

"What are you doing here, Zach?" Kyle asks, a defensive tone to his voice. 

"I'm here to watch your girlfriend get beat," Zach answers, not even hiding his coldness.

"Watch your mouth," I tell him, taking off my sweatshirt.

It will be easier to fight in less clothes, nothing to really grab onto.

"Shut the hell up dude," Kyle snaps, coming to my defense. 

Adrian rolls his eyes. "She doesn't need your help." 

I shake my head, my hands on my hips. "You're a dick head."

"Ready?" Kyle asks, after we both get in position. I nod and so does Adrian.

"Fight," Zach says.

I hold my hands up in front of my face, my elbows covering my stomach. Dad taught me how to fight when I was young.

When I was seven, I could pin him to the ground.

"You sure about this?" Adrian asks, taunting his brown eyes at me.

I watch as his eyes look over every part of my body, capturing each part.


I kick him in his shin, catching him off guard. He grimaces.

"Hailey, I don't want to hurt -"

He is cut off by my fist hitting his nose. I shake my hand out, trying to get rid of the sting.

Adrian swings his arm, missing my face by a centimeter. He isn't fast enough to pull it in, so I grab it. With all my bodyweight I pull down, sending Adrian down the the ground.

I kick his side, before he can stand up.

"You're a total asshole! You freaking broke my fucking heart you piece of shit! You shouldn't have came back!" I yell, as he stands back up.

I know he can fight harder, I've seen him beat people until they're almost dead. Why isn't he fighting me?

He swings his leg, trying to make me fall, but I kick his ankle away from me. I hear the crack of the bone.

"Damn it," he swear under his breath.

"Fight me you son of a bitch! Stop being such a fucking girl!"

I can see the temperature in his eyes change.

I'm not prepared, and Adrian knows it. I'm too slow to block his stomach blow.

Fire starts in my stomach, traveling up my throat.

I scream.

Quickly getting up, I lunged at Adrian, tackling him to the ground.

My fist hits his jaw, his nose, his forehead. His nose starts to bleed, but I don't care. It's nothing compared to what he put me through.

"You son of a bitch!" I yell, still hitting him.

I feel his hands come around my waist, picking me up from him.

Before I can do anything, he has me pinned to the ground, his leg straddle me as he sits on my burning stomach.

I swallow, getting ready for the blows.

"Go ahead. Do it," I say, my voice a whisper.

Adrian's black hair is matted to his forehead, his nose bleeding. A bruise is forming on his jaw already.

He shakes his head. "I can't."

Adrian gets up off of me, staring down at me, guilt in his eyes.

"I can't do it," he repeats.

I watch as he turns around and starts walking away.

"You're a fucking girl! Come hit me like a man!" I yell at his back.

Adrian turns around, wiping blood from his face.

"I can't hurt you more than I already have. I'm sorry."

He walks away.

Kyle helps me up, although I'm barely hurt.

Zach disappeared somewhere, I don't know where. I'm glad he isn't here.

"Why didn't he fight me?" I ask, as Kyle hugs me tightly to his chest.

"Because you can't hurt someone you love anymore than you already have." 

Author's note-

You can't hurt someone you love can you?

Hate me if you wish. I'm trying to post one update a day (not on weekends). I hope you like!

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