Chapter 6 (Re-written)

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I walk into Science with my patience at about two for stupid people. This whole school just makes me want to scream. 

"Hey Hailey," Kyle says, flashing me one of his signature smiles with his perfectly white teeth. 

"Not now superstar. Not in the mood," I growl. He almost looks happier after I told him that I'm in a sucky mood. 

"Aw, what's wrong? What's got you feeling so down?" He taunts, leaning toward me. I can smell his over powering cologne. It smells good, but I would never admit that to him.  I turn to look at him, smiling a fake smile. 

"Superstar, you wanna know what's wrong? I'm the new girl with the school's man-whore breathing down my neck, which I can smell him a mile away because he smells and acts like trash. Sadly, I'm stuck with trash for a partner for a project where I don't know what the hell I'm doing," I rant. My voice is just loud enough for the people around us to hear and small chuckles are shared among people. 

Kyle sends murderous glares at the people around us. I know I've struck a nerve and a proud smile comes across my lips. 

"You're going to pay for that," he mutters as class gets started. I copy down the notes the teacher started to write on the board, a playful smile on my lips. 

"Yeah? And how exactly am I going to pay for that?" I taunt. I tap my pencil on the table just to annoy him further. His frowns deepens on his lips, just adding to the fun I'm having. 

"You'll see tonight," he just mutters. 

"And what's happening tonight?" 

"I'm taking you out," he says. I snort. 

"And what gave you the idea that I would go anywhere with you? Do you have a brain tumor? Should I call the doctor?" I ask. 

"You know that pretty mouth of your's will get you in a lot of trouble around here Hailey," he answers instead of answering my question. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from giving him more of the sarcasm he is trying to get out of me. 

"Trouble isn't the problem," I answer. "You are the problem." He chuckles under his breath. 

"Oh sweetheart, trouble and I are best friends. You'll come to know that sooner or later." He gives me a wink. I instantly want to slap him, but I know that won't end well. 

"I'm not going out with you," I answer after a long moment of silence between us. The bell rings and I rather my things. 

"I'll pick you up at eight," he mutter in my ear. With that, he walks out the door leaving me with my mouth hanging open and my hands shaking in anger. 


By the time Kyle drops me off after school, my anger is at an all time high. 

The whole way home he kept saying that I was going to have an amazing time with him tonight. My response every time was that I wasn't going out with him. 

I would go out with him when dogs could talk to cats! Maybe not even then!

When I walk through the front door, I'm surprised to see Zach standing in my living room. He is looking at one of the many pictures of me around the house. 

"Oh hey, I didn't see your car in the driveway," I say, flustered at why the hell he is in my house. 

His eyes study me and a smirk comes on his lips. "It's cool. I can tell your pretty pissed about something." I sigh and set my things down on the couch. 

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," I tell him. Making my way in the kitchen, I notice how his eyes follow me. 

He's giving me an creepy feeling. The type of feeling that gives me butterflies in my stomach and not the good kind. 

"Where is Kathy?" I ask. 

"She went out to grab us some food," he answers, coming closer to me. I lean up against the counter top. 

"Oh," I answer. 

So we are all alone. 

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