Chapter 8 (Re-written)

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I am watching the start if the fifth season of Pretty Little Liars when there is a knock on my door.

"Come in," I say, pausing the television.

Kyle walks through, carrying a pizza box and a two littler of 7 Up.

He came. He keeps proving me wrong.

"Hey," he says, his eyes looking me up and down.

I'm in a cut off T-shirt, yoga pants, laying on my bed, a blanket wrapped around my shoulders. My hair is up in a messy bun, out of my face.

I try to smile. "Hi," my voice cracks.

At least I sound sick. Whatever Zach gave me has given me a serous headache. 

Kyle smiles back. "I brought you something to eat."

"I can see that," I joke. He chuckles and lays down next to me, his entire arm touching mine. 

"What's wrong?" Kyle asks at last.

"My head is pounding and I feel like I'm going to throw up," I answer, which is true.

About ten minutes ago, I swear I was going to puke.

Kyle chuckles. "Sounds like you have a hangover."

Just a hangover from the drugs your friend gave me to have sex with him. 

"I haven't had a drink in about six months," I answer, instead.

I take a piece of pizza from the open box and chew it down. It taste actually really good.

"You want some 7Up?" He ask, holding up my empty glass of water I had earlier. I nod, my mouth full.

Hitting play on my remote, I continue to watch the rest of Pretty Little Liars.

For the rest of the day, we watch T.V., wrapped up in my blankets.

The sun goes down and Kyle is still by my side.

"Do you need to get home?" I ask, starting another Harry Potter movie.

"No, my mom doesn't care if I spend the night," Kyle answers. "If that's okay with you."

I smirk. "As long as you don't try to pull anything on me you can." 

"Why would I pull something? We haven't even gone out yet. " I roll my eyes.

"I'm not going out with you Kyle," I answer. "I told you that yesterday." 

"Yeah, you stood me up too last night. I was sitting at your house for an hour last night," he jokes, a light chuckle in his voice. "So I think you owe me." 

I freeze, hoping he didn't see Zach's car. Well, why do I care if he saw Zach's car? It's not like I care. 

"I was sick." I respond, keeping it cool. 

"There's always next time." 

And with that, we go back to our movies.

As my eyes start to flutter shut, I can't help but hear Kyle mumble something.

"You're going to be the death of me Hailey," I swear he says. 

Author's note-

So I changed things up in the story. I know, I know, but this needed to be changed. I hope you like it and that I don't disappoint you! 

Team Zailey?!?!

Team Kailey?!!?!

You choose!!

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