Chapter 10( Re-written)

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The rest of the day is good, until Math.

Zach sits down in the empty seat beside me, glaring hotly at me.

"What?" I ask, after a second of awkward silence.

"You know what," he mumbles.

I roll my eyes. "Zach, I don't have feelings for you. Okay? I'm kind of with Kyle."

"Are you sure you aren't faking it? I guess you used to be a pretty big player too. You aren't who you say to be according to your record,"  Zach tells me, his eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, keyword, 'Used'. I'm not like that anymore. I changed a lot since then," I explain.

Memories of guys for some stupid reason pop into my head. I shake my head.

I've changed. I have.

"Are you sure?" Zach asks.

Just then the bell rings, and Mr. Kelps goes into another lecture.


At last the fifty minute class is over. I follow Zach out of the classroom, but push him against the wall.

"Follow me," I hiss. Holding onto Zach's arm, I lead him through hallways. At last, I find an empty classroom.

Locking the door behind him, I glare at Zach.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You don't just go through someone's past you freak!" I yell.

Zach smiles smugly. "Your past is a bit more interesting that everyone else's."

"Shut. Up," I snap, anger boiling inside of me.

He chuckles. "Arrested for drugs, breaking and entering, sexual conduct on a holy place, drinking underage-" He taunts.

"Shut up!" I scream. "How did you find those?"

"I know people," he plays. His eyes sparkling at me, taunting me with that stupid smug smirk on those stupid lips, the same lips that drugged me. 

"I could go to the police you know?" I taunt, trying a new tactic. "You could be arrested." 

"You won't do that," He answers in a matter of fact way. 

"How the hell do you know that?" 

"You don't want your secrets to get out do you? I suggest that if you don't, you won't go to the police. I have eyes and ears everywhere." 

What else could there be that he would know? 


His name floats through my mind like a cloud, but it stings like fire.

 Fire burning my brain to nothing.

"You better think about us for a little while. Don't think too long. Secrets can fly pretty fast," he says, walking around me.

After I hear the door close, tears cloud my eyes. He knows. He knows everything.

And he plans to burn me.

Burn me until I am broken again, just as Adrian planned to break me, two years ago.

Authors note-

More will make since after the next update. Love you!

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