Chapter 5 (Re-written)

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Kyle pulls into the school parking lot, in my car, and waves at all the staring bitches who have their mouths hanging wide open. 

"You got your wish. You're welcome," I say as we walk up together. He smirks, bumping into my shoulder as we walk beside each other. 

"Thanks for letting me drive your car."

"You're welcome, even though you drove pretty slow, it wasn't that bad," I tease. He rolls his eyes.

"Just because I drive the speed limit, does not mean I drive slow," Kyle says, waving at one of his friends.

The guy he waved at motions another guy to come along.

"And they are?" I ask.

"Carter and Danny," Kyle mumble, he answers as though I'm supposed to know them. 

Great. Now his friends are going to say some shit about him being with a girl. Lovely. 

"Hey Kyle. Is this Hailey?" The brown haired boy asks, checking me out.

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend," Kyle answers.

I cough, "Excuse me. I am not your girlfriend superstar. I would rather give birth than be your damn girlfriend." 

Kyle just chuckles, "She's a feisty one alright." He tries to snake his arm around my waist, but I slap his arm away. 

The blonde haired rolls his eyes.  "Sorry, he is kinda a man-whore. I'm Carter," he says, smiling at me.

I can't help but smile. Kinda a Man-whore? More like a total man-whore.

"That must mean you're Danny?" I ask, the brown haired boy. He smirks.

"Yea, that's me pretty lady," he flirts. 

"You're not her type Danny," Kyle speaks up. I snort. 

"Like you are?" I ask him. "I'm going to class. See you never superstar." 

As I walk away, I know I have all three of their stares on my back. Boys love a game, they get bored easy. You have to keep them on their toes. 

As I reach my locker, someone pushes me up against them. Then, I see some blonde cheerleader bitch.

"What the hell?" I ask, shoving her off. She smirks, her fake lips trying to come up.

"Hello slut. I'm Christy, and I am giving you a warning," she says, her friends all giving me dirty looks from behind her.

"For what?" I ask.

"Stay away from Kyle. He isn't yours to take. He is mine and you and your whoreness are ruining everything," she explains as if I should already know this. I roll my eyes.

"Kyle is a fucking man-whore. I'm not into him at all. You don't have to worry about me, he's all your's sweetheart. " She raises an eyebrow at me.

"You might not be into him, but he's into you. So I suggest if you don't want to be embarrassed in front of the whole school, you kindly get the hell out of my way," she demands. 

"Honey, I don't think I'm the only bitch he's into, so my advice to you is get a hold of yourself and move on. Kyle just wants sex and he doesn't want some needy girl who wants a real relationship with him like you do, " I say, a smirk on my lips. 

"You messed with the wrong bitch, whore," Christy says, and storms away. 

If she only knew who the hell she was messing with, it would make her run away like a sad puppy dog. 

Walking into Trig, Megan gives me a look.

Great. Who else in this fucking school is pissed at me?

"What did I do to you?" I ask, sitting down. She rolls her eyes.

"I told you to stay away from Zach," she mumbles, writing in her notebook.

"All we did was get ice cream together, and Kyle was there. Trust me, I don't have any interest in him," I lie about the last part.

He is kinda hot. Although, he is off limits. I have to have at least one friend here. 

She looks at me, light in her eyes.

"Really?" She asks. I nod.

"Okay, I'm not mad."

And with that, the bell rings saying that the gates of hell are closed and I am stuck.

Author's note-

Hailey, isn't really keeping her head down as she was told. Then again, it's not in her nature to do what she is told. You know anyone like her? What do you think Christy is going to do? Is she even a threat? Who knows? 


Lauren XOXO

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