Chapter 16 (Re-written)

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"What?" I demand, standing up.

"I guess your father wants to make sure you aren't bribing the teachers. He hired Adrain for the job," Kathy explains, a sorrow look on her face.

Can I just cry?

My eyes shift to Adrian. "So you're going to be baby sitting me now? Is that why you want me to forgive your shit?" I yell.

He gives me a look. "No,no! That's not what-" He starts.

I cut him off. "I don't care what the fuck you meant to do! I really don't give shit about anything that comes out of your fucking mouth cause it's just damn lies! You are a fucking man-whore and you always will be! You can't change, nor will you!"

I run up the stairs and slam the door behind me. This time, tears don't fall. I'm glad they don't. Adrian isn't worth of my fucking tears.

Someone starts to pound on my door. Adrian.

"Hailey, please. That's not what I meant! Your dad just knew I was trying to talk to you and I needed a job! Please," his voice says from the other side.

My phone rings in my hand. Zach.

Can this get any worse?

"What the fuck do you want?" I snap, sitting down on the floor.

"Is someone in a mad mood," he taunts.

"Zach, I really don't give shit about what you do. I'm done with this game. I've played it for many years, and I'm fucking tired. Go away to hell."

Hanging up my phone, I get up off the floor. I change into baggy sweat pants and Kyle's grey sweatshirt he gave me when I was 'sick'.

Grabbing my keys and phone, I open the door to see Adrain standing in front of me.

"Go to hell," I spit, moving past him.

"Hailey, can I just explain?" He asks, running after me down the stairs.

"No, you can't. I don't believe shit out of your mouth," I say, outside now.

Adrian races after me. "Just listen, please. You don't have to believe me, just freaking listen."

Adrian slips in front of me, before I can open the door.

"Fuck you, now move!" I yell, my anger boiling with people today.

"No, not until you listen to me."

"I'm not going to listen to you! You are a god fucking piece of shit that somehow seems to keep ruining my life! Go away," I snap.

"I understand you are angry, just please listen," he begs.

"No. I'm not going to listen. I am going to go to my real boyfriend's house. He actually understands why I hate dumb asses and isn't one himself," I spit, finally getting him out of the way so I can open the door.

I hop in and speed off, clenching my teeth, trying to avoid feeling any pain.

No pain. Pain is an ass. It won't leave until it sucks the life from you.

Pain is weakness. Weakness is stupidness. Stupidness leads to pain.

An on-going circle.

Pulling into Kyle's driveway, I swallow.

No going back now.

Knocking on the front door, butterflies appear in my stomach.

His mom answers the door.

"Hey Hailey, you came to see Kyle I'm guessing?" She asks.

I smile and nod. "Yeah."

"He's in his room." She says, letting me in. "Kyle!"

Kyle suddenly races down the stairs, phone in his hand.

"Hey, Hailey. Come on up," he greets, giving me a weird look.

'He can see something is wrong.' A voice inside of me says.

Kyle leads me to his room and shuts the door after me.

His room is painted a dark blue. His bed is white, a window right above it. A couch is on the opposite wall.

I sit down on the bed, noticing that Kyle is watching me.

"What's wrong?" He asks, slowly sitting down on the couch.

"I have to tell you something," I say, my voice cracking.

Author's note-

I'm not sure if you understood why Adrian is there. He needed a job, so Hailey's dad hired him. Adrain pretty much is like a body guard/ baby sitter. Most people who have had major problems in the past have people like that.

What do you think Hailey is going to tell Kyle about?



Sleeping with Zach and his blackmail?

Her old problems?

All of it?

You will have to wait to find out!

Love you guys!

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