Chapter 7 (Re-written)

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"Hailey," I hear someone say. My eyes feel heavy, but I force them open. 

Zach lays next to me, bare chested in my bed. My mind is hazy and I can't really reminder why he's in my bed. Then, everything hits me. 

Zach got me something to drink saying it would calm my anger. He kissed me. He took me upstairs into my room. I was kissing him and taking off his clothes as he was taking off mine. I remember his fingers touching me. I was pleading with him to give me what I wanted. We had sex, a lot of sex. 

My heart hammers in my chest. 

"Get the hell out if my fucking bed!" I scream, grabbing my clothes off the floor, without getting out of bed.

I slide on my over sized sweatshirt I always have in my chair by my bed over my shoulders and zip it up. 

"Aren't you going to kiss me?" Zach asks, not moving from out of my blankets.

Could I just kick his fucking ass?

"Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. My. Bed," I snap, getting out myself.

I gather his pants and T-shirt and throw them at him.

"What's wrong? I thought you liked having sex with-" Zach starts.

I cut him off. "GO! I never wanted to have sex with you, you prick! You- you-"

"But something in your drink to help loosen you up? Yeah I did," he answers. 

Oh fuck. 

"You what?" I demand. 

I'm about three seconds from killing this kid. Zach has a small smirk on his lips. 

"I'm going into the bathroom, and if you aren't gone by the time I get out, you will be dead. You hear me?" I yell. I 

Closing the door to the bathroom, I groan.

What the hell is wrong with him? He has to be crazy. 

I brush my hair and teeth. After washing my face, I put a little amount of my daily makeup.

When I open the door, I'm happy to see that Zach isn't there. There is a piece of paper laying on my bed.

I sigh and pick it up. It says:


I am so sorry that I slept with you, but I'm not sorry. I love you. I love you with all my heart. Kyle is just going to break you. No matter what he says, he's going to hurt you. And I will be here when he does. I won't tell anybody about what happened. Just, remember me.



He. Is. Fucking. Crazy. 

"Hailey!" Kathy screams.

I groan. "I'm not going to school today! I don't feel good!" I yell. The door opens and Kathy sticks her head in.

"Want me to call the school?" I nod and crawl into bed.

The door shuts and I hear her walk down the stairs. Turning on the T.V, I watch old Pretty Little Liars.

Don't tell anyone. I'm not the girl that would watch these drama shows, but I love them.

My phone buzzes at about 10:30.


Where are you? 

I type back: Who is this? 


Kyle. Now where are you? 

I roll my eyes and answer: I'm at my house. Not feeling good. 


I'll be there in ten. 

Well, this could get interesting. 

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