Chapter 13 (Re-written)

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"Kyle?" I ask, my voice a soft whisper.

"Hailey? Why are you calling me at two in the morning on a Saturday?" Kyle's voice asks.

God. His morning voice is sexy.

"Well, technically it's a Sunday," I joke.

I can picture the smirk on his lips. "What do you want?"

"Can you be ready in ten minutes?" I ask, lacing my black boots up.

"Yes, but may I ask why?" He persists.

"To have some fun with me, that's why," I continue to tease.

He groans. "You are so lucky I'm missing you."

I laugh. "See you then."

I check myself over one last time in my mirror. I have my tight, black cut off shirt that comes just above my belly button, my black leather short skirt, and my lace up black boots. My hair is pulled over into a curly side pony. My make-up is dark and smokey.

I grab my clutch and my car keys before slowly making my way down stairs.

I have snuck out before- many times- but this time, I don't want anyone to know I'm gone.

At last, I reach my car.

Great. This is going to wake Kathy up.

Getting in my car, I start the engine, hearing the purr.

I quickly open the garage door and zoom off, not bothering to close it.

I know Kyle and I have a lot to talk about, but I don't do talking real well. I do just doing it the best. Hopefully, he will pick up on it and just go with it. 

In about ten minutes, I'm at Kyle's house. He sits on the steps of his house in a black leather jacket.

Even though it is what he normally wears, it still looks sexy on him.

"Hello sexy," he tells me, getting in my car. I smile.

"Hello to you too."

"Where the hell are we going at two in the fucking morning?" Kyle says, after I zoom down his street, taking a sharp turn.

"A club," I tell him.

"A club?"

"Yeah, haven't you been to one before?"

"No," he answers as if I should know that.

I chuckle. "Well then, you are going to love them."


"You're right," Kyle slurs in my ear. "Clubs are fun."

I giggle and wrap my arms around Kyle's neck, bringing him closer to me. The smell of alcohol is all over this place.

Kyle's hands are at my waist, playing dangerously with my waistband.

My lips kiss his neck and move their way up to his lips. His mouth tastes of alcohol.

It feels good to just kiss him and not think about how much I hate him. 

"You want to get out of here?" I ask, as I feel his hands moving around my waist.

"If you want to," he says, his voice low.

Taking his hand, I lead him past the sweaty bodies of people dancing. My head is spinning, but I know I'm not drunk.

I've been drunk too many times to know the feeling.

At last, the cool air hits my skin, making goosebumps appear.

Kyle picks me up by the waist, my legs wrapping around his hips. My lips crash into his. His tongue slides in and out of my mouth, making my heart race.

"I want you," he says, kissing my neck.

"You got me," I answer, my hands around his neck.

He sits me down on the hood of my car, but my legs don't untangle themselves from him.

"God, Hailey," he murmurs in my ear, kissing my cheeks, my neck, behind my ear.

I can't help, but moan. It's feels so good. His hand comes under my shirt, playing with the top of my bra cup, asking if it is okay. I push myself closer to him in an answer.

His hand cups around me, making me bite his bottom lip. I can feel my heart racing in my chest.

It beats so loud and hard, I swear he could hear it.

"Are we going to do this here?" I ask, nodding to my car.

Kyle nods.

I get off the hood and climb into the car, ready for everything I wanted to start.

Author's note-

Yes, I'm sorry for the short update. I have been busy with dance and my own life issues.

So Hailey gets what she wanted with Kyle. Who believes that Kyle is still a player?

Who believes that Hailey is a player?

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