Chapter 24 (Re-written)

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Sunday comes around and I feel sick. That beautiful dress sits in my closet, waiting to be worn.

What if I do become Prom Queen? Will I be happy?

Hell no.

I will be so mad. I've always hated the 'popular' people. The people that you know will win because everyone loves them. I am not becoming the 'popular' girl.

I can't.

I won't.

"Hailys?" Adrian asks from the other side of my bedroom door.

"Yeah?" I answer, looking up from my phone.

I've been read old messages between Kyle and me for the last half and hour. I don't know why, it just feels good.

Adrian walks in, a serous mask on his face. Whatever he has to say must be very serous.

"Can we talk?" He asks, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Sure," I answer, pulling my blanket closer to my body.

"I need some advice.. about girls," he confesses at last.

I smile as he blushes. "Aww, did Adrian find a hot girl," I taunt.

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," he mutters.

"Sorry," I say, not meaning it. "You know I had to."

"I like this girl a lot, I used to love her. How should I tell her that I like her?" He asks, not quite looking at me.

"Well.. tell me about her. Maybe I can gather my girl powers and get into her head," I say, half joking.

"She's kinda shy when your around her. She's tall, really beautiful. She's the kind of girl that makes sure no one walks all over her. She's smart, but makes some mistakes. But most of all, she just has an amazing heart," Adrian rambles.

I swallow and look away from Adrian's gleaming eyes, knowing what he's doing.

"Adrian," I breath, unable to say anything else.

"Hailey Jordan, I am in love with you," Adrian says, staring right at me. "I don't know if you will ever feel the same way about me, but I am in love with you."

"I-I I just don't know what I'm supposed to say," I stumble.

Adrian looks down at his hands.

"You aren't 'supposed' to say anything," he mutters, hurt.

"Well, what am I supposed to do?" I ask, my voice raised. "You left me, alone. I had to walk home, crying in the rain because you were an asshole."

"And I'm sorry!" He shouts back at me, surprising me.

I stare at him, my jaw tight. "Well, sometimes sorry doesn't fix everything! It doesn't fix all the pain I felt!"

"Hailey, what about the pain you give me?" He asks, his voice soft again. "Everyday when you look at me, I see the fear in your eyes, the fear I'm going to hurt you. That just hurts me so bad that you still see that in me."

"I can't change the image I made my mind see you in just a couple weeks. I'm sorry. That image has been there for a long time, I can't change it that quickly," I answer.

"I just wanted you to know I love you," he says, standing up now.

"Adrian," I plead.

"I'll leave you alone," he says, before shutting the door behind him.

He loves me.

Adrian loves me.

My life seems to just be like a big drama movie and I'm afraid it's going to end with me crying on the bathroom floor. 

My phone buzzes in my hand.

From- Kyle

Hey. I got my tux! I can't wait to see you in that beautiful dress next Friday. Don't know what it looks like, but I'm sure it's pretty on you! ❤

I smile at my phone.

Kyle knows what to say.

Maybe I'm too bad for him. Maybe I'm too fucked up for him. 

Maybe that's why Adrian hurt me, because he knew he was toxic for me.

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